Cam Wurf cameo's in every Lionel video

I noticed in almost every single Lionel video, he either gives the finger, or says something, and then Talbot superimposes a picture of Cam Wurf, any one have any background on this. Is there a rivalry here I don’t know about, are they friends and this is more of a Ryan Reynolds/Hugh Jackman joking around type thing? I thought I remember reading somewhere that Lionel, Sebi and Cam were supposed to get together and go golfing at some point which would suggest the latter.

On a separate note, 3 X 30 minutes @ 350+ watts going up Mount Lemon at altitude, I’d say Lionel’s biking is definitely looking more like what it used to.

Pretty sure Cam trolls the comments on Lionel’s social media.

Pretty sure Cam trolls the comments on Lionel’s social media.

Yeah, he’s Aussie. This is just a bit of taking the piss/back and forth.


I dont know how wurf kept a straight face in the tower 21 interview where he said " Lange passed me on the run and I thought " I look better than him, Lange looks rough"… He often seems to be directly quoting Macca

Pretty sure Cam trolls the comments on Lionel’s social media.

Yeah, he’s Aussie. This is just a bit of taking the piss/back and forth.


Maybe Talbot could chime in but he’s crazy busy in Hawaii right now filming all his Kona Series videos.

He does that in other athletes’ Instagram too. Giving out tips, making jokes and whatnot. I like the guy.

What’s the line on Lionel vs Cam this year in Kona? I like Wurf -110

Yea say what you want about Lionel and Cam but it’s nice to have some personality at the top(ish) of the sport. Honestly Triathlon and Bowling are about on equal footing in terms of general interest (if anything Bowling has an edge - how long has ESPN been covering even non-championship events?). Who was best for Bowling in terms of general interest? Pete Weber. And it helped that Pete Weber could actually back it up

Imagine what would happen if either Lionel or Cam won Kona one of these years? There wouldn’t be seismic changes in interest, but it would surely help

What’s the line on Lionel vs Cam this year in Kona? I like Wurf -110

Love Lionel and hope he crushes it in Kona, but at this point I feel like I would need at least Lionel +200 or +250 to take his side of the bet. The odds are completely stacked in his favor and in a lot of ways he’s the anti-Lionel for this year: 1. exceeded expectations each time he has raced this year and 2. is preparing using the best minds in the respective disciplines. Whereas Lionel: 1. has been injured all year and 2. continues to “self-coach” (with the validity of that self-coaching being in the eyes of the beholder)

Wurf is hilarious on social media. his commentary and humor are endearing and makes you feel like he’s another buddy instead of a hard charging pro. even though, he really is a hard charging pro. we need to see some more genuine stuff like this and tim/ rinny giving each other a hard time.

What’s the line on Lionel vs Cam this year in Kona? I like Wurf -110

Lionel passes Cam 4 miles into Alii Drive.

I just hope they both can run sub 2:55 and neither ends up walking in the energy lab and passing each other back and forth in a death game of speed walking while Daniela Ryf runs her way onto the Mens’ podium.

Thorsten in his TriRating report predict a 1 second difference between Wurf and Sanders :smiley:
I hope it’s just banter between the two guys, they’re two of the most fun triathletes.

What’s the line on Lionel vs Cam this year in Kona? I like Wurf -110

Lionel passes Cam 4 miles into Alii Drive.

I just hope they both can run sub 2:55 and neither ends up walking in the energy lab and passing each other back and forth in a death game of speed walking while Daniela Ryf runs her way onto the Mens’ podium.

No way Lionel passes cam that early.