Calling all Bike-leg overanalysers and overthinkers… Swansea 70.3 Bike Leg

Hey all, one of my A races this season is Swansea 70.3, which I did last year getting a solid result, but I’m looking to maximise everything I can out of it this year to make the final push towards the overall AG podium or as close as possible.
With that in mind, I’m in an ongoing internal debate around wheel choice for the course. For perspective, its a full 90km, with circa 1100m elevation, as seen in this strava route here;
This route is slightly different from last year, removing a 20% lane climb into a gravelly narrow descent (which I am slightly relieved about given the rider in front of me crashing on it last year!), replacing it with a second climb of the largest hill on the Gower and a punchy rolling stretch. Given this is Wales, and the Gower in particular, it’s worth mentioning it’s a lot of short, sharp rises on the whole other any long steady drags.
With all this in mind, last year I rode with my EZ Disc cover on the rear wheel, knowing a disc is almost always faster overall. I did really notice the extra backend weight on the climbs however, and am considering this year what my best approach would be. For perspective last year was a 2:38 bike leg at 34.5km/h, 236w avg, 262w normalised at circa 64kg. (I’m now about 5kg heavier, but playing with closer to a ceiling nP of circa 280w for this year)
I can take the cover off and run my deepest rear wheel (only 60mm however) which saves a fair bit of weight for those punchy climbs, but is a clear cost on the descents, rolling false flat stretches that there are a few of.
The other option would be to beg and borrow my way into a solid disc wheel that could save a few hundred grams on the EZ Disc, but still give me the disc advantage for the descents etc.
What would peoples thoughts be on going either way? Or any other thoughts on the bike course, or other ways to eek more speed out of the course, or the course itself in general…

If the borrowed disk wheel is lighter than disk cover use it.

Where on the course is this big hill? Is it possible to toss a water bottle or two off the bike to lighten it for the climb and then top again at the next aid station? Its Wales, it is always cool, so little chance of dehydration.

Use the brakes as little as possible.


I think alot would depend on the wind conditions on the day, the Gower peninsula, can get very windy. You only have to sit up once or twice for the advantage of deep/disc wheels to be negated.

Fortunately a disc wheel will reduce the impact of wind, so it’s a net benefit in this regard as well