BTS double setup

Looking for advice on a minimal bts setup for two bottles and no other gear, with ability to angle the bottles. As I look what’s out there (Xlab, PD) there seems to be a lot of bulk, width, or upright bottles. The Vision Trimax double looks interesting particularly with cages I might choose. I’m jealous of pics of pros (Lucy Charles and Sky Moench recently) with very minimal double setups but can’t identify brands. I have a Speed Concept w Adamo saddle. My arm pads are too close for bta as I have historically done. Considering options, including running bottles on down and seat tube. Finding balance of aero and getting what I need. Suggestions welcomed.

I bought this cheap, simple, double bottle cage mount, 4 years ago. It lets me angle the cages any way I want. It worked so well, I bought another for my road bike. Both still going strong.

Thanks for the idea, Dean.

I also used it for four consecutive year. Though it is little bit ugly and heavy, it is pretty strong. Tilting mechanism is simple and trustworthy.

I used this Minoura double set-up to good affect on several occasions:
But what I did was to mount it upside down, and with the angle of the saddle rails, it put the bottles horizontal – no more launched bottles. Put the cages on so the bottle pulls out forward – easy access while staying aero, The bottle ends up right behind the thigh, an easy grab. I used Profile Kage bottle cages, and they held beautifully.

My arms are too narrow for bts so I have a top cap mounted holder which is mounted backwards. The bottle sits above my knees and behind my elbows. I use behind the saddle for training but for racing I keep minimal

Sorry for posting quite a bit after the fact, but wanted to chime in.

We do stack our rear carriers quite a bit on the website to show max potential, however with all of them we failed to really showcase the hydration only setups. We are working on a new website and will definitely be sure to include a more clean look as well!

I definitely would recommend giving the Turbo Wing a second glance. With just 2 cages it is really clean in my opinion. It is very narrow at the back so nice compact positioning. There is also cage adjustability (5 angles) and 3 carrier angles as well, so you can fine tune the position to your liking.

Hope this helps and hope you find the perfect fit for you :slight_smile:

Thank you for the response and info. I do use a Delta 400 currently for one gorilla cage.

Very nice! - Let me know if I can answer any questions on the 2-bottles :slight_smile:

We’ve been helping some athletes with their BTS double bottle set ups, and are about to release a bracket of our own.

Some of these folks are using the Wolftooth B-rad bracket


And here is a 3D printed prototype of our new bracket that will come with two retention loops for the top and bottom bottle preinstalled (the four hole areas are where the loop is threaded in):

Hey Nick,

Please let me know when these drop. Loving my wove saddle and will need the double BTS for next season.

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I have a meeting tomorrow to get them started and the plan is to have them available before Kona


Put me down in the list, I’m building a new QR VP-Ri for Kona and kind love to use that.