Breaking Beijing - north africans pace chinese runner to win

sportsman like?

Obviously unsportsmanlike, obviously paid, obviously everything. “Hey, synthetic, I know you can win this race but we’ll give you more if you let our guy win”. Also, if I’m in China and in any way aware of their policies I’m not pushing back when they say “you let our guy win the race”. The risk reward is what? You win the race, at best they don’t pay you or pay you less, at worst they don’t let you leave. Money shuts people up.

A tangent–
I was teammates with an absolutely incredibly cyclist who told me: Being top 1000 in the world is really cool. But it doesn’t put food on the table. Being top 100 does. These runners are most likely to 101-1000 type guys just trying to make it to the next day and get that big break. No fault on them, complete fault on the hosting party for allowing such a sham

They should have just come out and said these guys were pacers, and been done with it. The Chinese runner, He, is sponsored by the same company that sponsors the race and they wanted him paced to an Asian HIM record. He was sick and missed by almost 2min…the three Africans didn’t just not sprint, they were holding back to not drop him for kms.

Seems like bureaucratic neglect. Someone failed to submit the names of these guys to the pacemakers list and that’s why they were wearing competitor bibs:

“Let our guy win, but don’t make it look obvious”

Update, winner and accomplices stripped of prize money and medals

Out of curiosity, how is this different than Clayton Young “letting” Conner Mantz run ahead of him and then appearing to “let” him win with his hand gesture? I know what he said, and I don’t think they should be penalized. I’m just curious if there is a difference based on the rules between the races? People talked about sponsor bonuses theories with those two. Clayton says he was just taking it all in and forgot to kick and didn’t have anything to respond to Conner’s surge. I’m just assuming Conner’s Nike bonus happened to be bigger than what Clayton would have had with Asics… anyway, old news on that one, but in substance are the two events really that different?

Athletes have been reported to earn somewhere around $2,000 for pacing Diamond League races, as well as having their travel and accommodation …

What’s the difference?

And some Pacers have gone on to win races…lots of examples on YouTube.
Storm in a teacup.

Update, winner and accomplices stripped of prize money and medals
Thanks guys, we got the footage. Spend it well boys. We’ll use these medals again on the next shoot. 'ppreciate-chya. - Xi Jinping

People seem to want to make this more sinister than it was. If these guys thought that they had to hide their actions, they would have hidden them, or at least tried to, and they didn’t. Someone screwed up somewhere - a manager trying to impress his superiors, perhaps, when it turns out the superiors wanted a legit race, maybe? - but I’ve seen so many things China-related where everyone has to pretend that what obviously just happened didn’t happen, and here, at least, no one is pretending.

Think about it: Do you think this is the first case of “Match fixing” in marathons (in Asia or Globally) ? 😊

Happens all the time - there is actually money in this sport…

Think about it: Do you think this is the first case of “Match fixing” in marathons (in Asia or Globally) ? 😊

Happens all the time - there is actually money in this sport…

10+ years ago my wife was a part of an ABA team. China flew the team out for free, I paid my fair to tag along. At the airport the citizens thought these were legit NBA players, asking for autographs, even me as I am tall (6’0", tall for them). They went to play the national team on TV, which destroyed them. Yes it was all an act for their citizens to show world domination