Bravo Dr. Harrison

I get that people need to make a living, but the level of over-the-top hyped up marketing for Maurten, The Feed (and who can forget Supersapiens), etc. is getting ridiculous.
Glad to see someone with balls and integrity drilling them with solid nutrition facts. Thank you sir.

Maurten is the biggest ripoff out there. Why is there such a premium charged for gels?

Sports bars and other similar sports nutrition products can easily be replicated by other everyday products you can find in the supermarket.

What is the actual difference between a ‘sports chew’ and one of those soft lollie type things like this:

Is it just the packaging?

Can we get a TLDR version??

cynical but brilliant marketing

Kinda depends. Most of the chews that I can get in the US at least have too much gelatin so the carbs/volume ratio is pretty bad. They also are more likely to melt into a giant blob on a hot day. I prefer to use the “sports” products sparingly, but sometimes they’re just a little more convenient to carry than anything else.

Maurten is the biggest ripoff out there. Why is there such a premium charged for gels?

Sports bars and other similar sports nutrition products can easily be replicated by other everyday products you can find in the supermarket.

What is the actual difference between a ‘sports chew’ and one of those soft lollie type things like this:

Is it just the packaging?

For me and the drink mix…. Yeah, it’s the packaging. Being able to bring a couple packets of the 320 mix on a hot humid day and not have to fuss with home made ziplock bags is worth the price alone.

These were good enough for Welchie in Kona '94 and have been good enough for me ever since. The only way I am going to use Gels or Sports Gummies or Sports Bars is if I get them for free.


I was surprised to not see more reaction on this in any media form, social or online. Unlike most, he pretty much took them to task and rightly so IMO. So many scams out there nowadays…

Can we get a TLDR version??
A recent The Feed marketing email basically said buy 29 different products for $$$$$$$$ to cover your race nutrition when in reality all you need is sugar and salt.

Can we get a TLDR version??

~1:1 fructose and maltodextrin and salt to taste, as much as will dissolve. Maybe sodium citrate and 1:0.8 if you want to be fancy and tweak to suit the day. But you can get 99% of the way for 1% of the cost by researching for 20 min.

Can we get a TLDR version??
A recent The Feed marketing email basically said buy 29 different products for $$$$$$$$ to cover your race nutrition when in reality all you need is sugar and salt.

Where the youtube critique goes wrong is that the Feed email doesn’t say to buy all of the products, but instead offers alternatives (albeit at great cost).

It cracks me up that people would buy ‘sports waffles’ when you can buy the same thing for 1000% (well thereabouts) less at the supermarket.

It was a great review and I hope DrAlexHarrison still gets the tour.

I’ll admit that I do buy from The Feed, but mostly because of the $20 quarterly discount that they provide that makes the cost for things I used to buy on Amazon, cheaper. The constant emails pushing SwissRX and Maurten just go in one ear and out the other.

Matt’s marketing and business model is impressive. I think the fact that his site is currently the only place you can buy Ironman’s Official Hydration Partner sums it up pretty well.

Can we get a TLDR version??
A recent The Feed marketing email basically said buy 29 different products for $$$$$$$$ to cover your race nutrition when in reality all you need is sugar and salt.

Well, Alex doesn’t reduce it to sugar and salt because the marketing e-mail (and his reaction video) is about the days preceding the race, the race day breakfast, and post race nutrition - in addition to the sugar and salt you need on race course.

The message doesn’t boil down to “ditch the expensive products”. Alex also attacks some of the claims made in the newsletter about the amount and timing of carbs, liquid and electrolytes you need in the run up to the race and discusses the Feed’s value added in terms of customer experience relative to the additional margin it asks for.

Jabs the founder of the Feed a great number of times.

I think the video is intended to trigger a reaction from the Feed and gain publicity for Saturday. Which I hope is exacly what will happen but it’s more likely that the Feed’s marketing people and executives are savvy enough to ignore it.

He presents things in such an easy to understand and logical way

Great app he has. Really changed how I fuel during workouts and I races. Have literally saved hundreds of dollars over the past year or so

Other social media people have no reason to pass his info on as many are sponsored by the feed

As to the hydrating 72 hours ahead of a race of course his advice is spot on. Bodybuilders who want to show off all muscle and be dehydrated do what the feed is telling you to do for endurance races. Horrible advice from the feed

Walmart sells 25 lb bags of sugar for $20 if anyone is interested. That will last a couple of seasons.

Great Value Pure Granulated Sugar, 25 Lb -

General reply.

I use the app also and it makes a difference. But I will generally add Hammer Perpeteum to my mix for taste.

I think the biggest positive effect of any of the supplements or the Saturday App is simply getting closer to what someone actually needs for a race. I suspect most of us are under fueling, in general. The app (and anyone who buys into a product’s recommendation) might finally be getting almost what they need.

I wonder if people really need this video to tell them The Feed is expensive? Seems like he’s ripping the feed apart just to promote his app and himself. I’m not saying he’s wrong, i agree with him, but I didn’t need a video of him ripping apart a company that’s in business to make money, just to promote his app. He could’ve just promoting his app. Comes off as whiny and makes me think his wife kicked him out of the house right before his video, lol. That being said, I downloaded the app to see what it’s all about.

I wonder if people really need this video to tell them The Feed is expensive? Seems like he’s ripping the feed apart just to promote his app and himself. I’m not saying he’s wrong, i agree with him, but I didn’t need a video of him ripping apart a company that’s in business to make money, just to promote his app. He could’ve just promoting his app. Comes off as whiny and makes me think his wife kicked him out of the house right before his video, lol. That being said, I downloaded the app to see what it’s all about.

i am suprised they did not try to sell an garmin fins and recovery boots in that mail as well. amateurs…

and of course its saturday self promotion so you need to take it with some grain of maurten salt…

Call me soft but I use original Gatorade power for 19 cents per serving + sodium citrate. Can’t believe I used to be a sucker who buys Tailwind.

I may be the minority here but I tried using the app and found it not very intuitive. Honestly, it wasn’t straight forward to me and the interface seemed clunky. I admit, I may have been trying to use the app in a way that it’s not intended for.