"Bottle Down Kit" - World Tri Rules?

Is shoving a bottle down the front of the kit allowed in draft-illegal WT races? Rules are in the link below, but I can’t see anything to suggest it isn’t allowed, or have I missed something?


I know there’s been talk of this regarding T100 (wording in the rules specifically bans it) and Ironman (specific wording to ban it) but haven’t seen it talked about much for other races.

I’m doing a Triathlon Ireland sanctioned race that says it uses World Triathlon rules - there is no mention of bottles in the kit being banned in the specific race briefing either. Obviously asking the race organisers is a good way to find out, but are world triathlon likely bring in a similar ban for AG races as for the T100?

I believe I heard in an the ST podcast interview with Ricotello that WT is going to ban it next year, so IM just got ahead of things and banned it this year.

Maybe that was just spin and IM wants cover from WT to ban it but WT can’t act that fast?

Either way, it seems to be legal this year. But try arguing that nuance with an official who already issued the penalty…

I’m curious too. I haven’t read the rules but would love to hear from someone who has and can speak to “here’s what it says and how it’s being interpreted” - if any interpretation is needed - with some confidence.

Maybe that was just spin and IM wants cover from WT to ban it but WT can’t act that fast?

In the T100 specific rules section at the end of the WT Competition Rules it explicitly says:

10.3. Specifically, the following items are not allowed:
a.) Bottles/hydration or any other insert located in the front of an athlete’s race suit.
b.) Any insert in an athlete’s calf sleeves.

I would have thought that if they had time to put that in to the T100 section (Feb 2024 update), then they’d have time to do it for the WT general rules? Or do they have more control over T100 as they likely dont need to consult individual countries’ federations?

It looks like you’ve reached a similar conclusion to me - it’s legal but risky in case an official doesn’t know it’s legal. I just have to weigh up if it’s worth the risk (probably not). However, for me, I’m quite confident that the aero benefit was very large.

Maybe I’ll ask a technical official at the briefing / transition on race day.

I’m curious too. I haven’t read the rules but would love to hear from someone who has and can speak to “here’s what it says and how it’s being interpreted” - if any interpretation is needed - with some confidence.

yep I’m looking for similar. I’ve read the rules and see no reason why it’s banned apart from T100, but I want someone more official to confirm this (and how it’s being policed at races)

USAT international technical official here.
I was watching the Miami T100 race and saw the bottle down the front of the kit…first reaction was, WTF? Here’s my take on all this.
The Rules Embassy - Bike Bottles Down The Kit, and Editorial Stuff (youtube.com)

USAT international technical official here.
I was watching the Miami T100 race and saw the bottle down the front of the kit…first reaction was, WTF? Here’s my take on all this.
The Rules Embassy - Bike Bottles Down The Kit, and Editorial Stuff (youtube.com)

A lot of this video discusses UCI / Cycling rules related to specific bottle sizes etc.

The bit about triathlon states USAT 2.2, which essentially pertains to the head referee’s discretion whether it’s allowed or not.

There is no such clause in the WT rules as far as I can see?

Since you posted this video, Ironman and T100 have explicitly changed wording to their rules to reflect the bottle down kit, but WT haven’t.

How would you personally view it in a non-USAT race that followed WT rules but not T100 or Ironman?

Would how you view it change if you were the head referee vs a technical official/referee (but not in charge)?

World Triathlon Competition Rule 5.2 a.) (ii) directs the reader to the UCI rules for time trials. That’s page 47 of the rule book for those playing the home game. The sanction for using illegal or unauthorized equipment to provide an unfair advantage or potentially endanger others (WT 2,1 a.) (ii)), as I mentioned in the video, is a warn/amend. Should the athlete not comply, they can be DSQ by the head official. That’s on page 166 of the WT rules.

If I am the TO, I ask the athlete to amend. If I am the HR, and the TO tells me the athlete has decided to not comply, I make the call to DSQ.

And T100 is WT.

World Triathlon Competition Rule 5.2 a.) (ii) directs the reader to the UCI rules for time trials. That’s page 47 of the rule book for those playing the home game. The sanction for using illegal or unauthorized equipment to provide an unfair advantage or potentially endanger others (WT 2,1 a.) (ii)), as I mentioned in the video, is a warn/amend. Should the athlete not comply, they can be DSQ by the head official. That’s on page 166 of the WT rules.

If I am the TO, I ask the athlete to amend. If I am the HR, and the TO tells me the athlete has decided to not comply, I make the call to DSQ.

And T100 is WT.

That is great information, thanks very much.

On your last point, this is why I was raising the post. T100 is WT with some additional specific rules it seems, so why haven’t they amended the WT rules regarding bottles down kit and instead added it to the specific T100 section?

By wording it this way, it makes it seem legal in non-T100 WT races, but illegal in T100 WT (until you pointed out 5.2)

Because, probably, WT does draft-illegal racing at all the other distances, too.
I actually started looking at this in terms of the USAT rules, because I remembered the rule about nothing inside the kit for aerodynamics purposes. And then I saw that it was no longer explicitly mentioned.
I’m going to admit that the new ruleset is easier to follow, at least in terms of this year’s version (17 March). Follows the WT set more closely.

USAT international technical official here.
I was watching the Miami T100 race and saw the bottle down the front of the kit…first reaction was, WTF? Here’s my take on all this.
The Rules Embassy - Bike Bottles Down The Kit, and Editorial Stuff (youtube.com)
A lot of this video discusses UCI / Cycling rules related to specific bottle sizes etc.
The bit about triathlon states USAT 2.2, which essentially pertains to the head referee’s discretion whether it’s allowed or not.
There is no such clause in the WT rules as far as I can see?
Since you posted this video, Ironman and T100 have explicitly changed wording to their rules to reflect the bottle down kit, but WT haven’t.
How would you personally view it in a non-USAT race that followed WT rules but not T100 or Ironman?
Would how you view it change if you were the head referee vs a technical official/referee (but not in charge)?World Triathlon Competition Rule 5.2 a.) (ii) directs the reader to the UCI rules for time trials. That’s page 47 of the rule book for those playing the home game. The sanction for using illegal or unauthorized equipment to provide an unfair advantage or potentially endanger others (WT 2,1 a.) (ii)), as I mentioned in the video, is a warn/amend. Should the athlete not comply, they can be DSQ by the head official. That’s on page 166 of the WT rules.
If I am the TO, I ask the athlete to amend. If I am the HR, and the TO tells me the athlete has decided to not comply, I make the call to DSQ. And T100 is WT.Thank you for the insight.
I’ll start off by saying that, in threads last year on this, I said I thought bottles down the front for deliberate aero advantage was an ugly look and should be banned on aesthetic and reputational grounds. I do think that emergency use of that position for an aid station bottle is an option that should remain open (ie nothing exiting T1 (easy to police)).

When this was posted I went to the WT rules (which are the ones which determine the race in the OP). No mention of water bottles down the top except in the T100 annex. So leave that aside for the topic of this thread.
Then got to the bit directing us to UCI Rules (if the WT rules don’t say anything specific).
I wonder if you could help me/us by specifying which UCI TT rule applies to said bottle placement?

You linked the ‘Clarification_Guide_of_the_UCI_Technical_Regulation (1 Jan 2023)’ in your video (thank you!).

A bottle is not a camelback/bladder system by any stretch of one’s reasonable imagination.
A bottle is indeed rigid.
What is the UCI rule which shoving a bottle down your front is ‘illegal’ contravenes?

Searching that (and including the ‘camelback’ stuff):
P65 of 75 ARTICLE 1.3.024 BIS
“Bottles shall not be integrated to the frame and may only be located on the down and seat
tubes on the inside of the frame. The dimensions of the cross sections of a bottle used in
competition must not exceed 10 cm or be less than 4 cm and their capacity must be a
minimum of 400 ml and a maximum of 800 ml.”
Comment: So a normal bidon (500ml or a large one (750ml)). Fluid provided at aid stations cannot be reasonably controlled by that rule, nor is that within the scope of the UCI Rule(s).
P68 of 75: CAMELBACK
Hydration is an essential physiological consideration for athletes during a physical effort.
Neither bottles nor camelback systems should diverge from their original function.
There is a significant risk of camelback systems or any similar devices being used for other
purposes than their original function. For this reason certain restrictions apply if they are to
be used in competition:
• The camelback system is authorized for competition solely for the purpose of rehydrating
the rider.
• It must not be the case that the system, presented as a way of improving a rider’s
hydration during an effort, is accompanied by an “aerodynamic clothing” advantage, in
this way deflecting the camelback system from its original function.
• The liquid container must not be capable of holding more than 0.5 liters and must not be
a rigid shape liable to be considered as a device for improving the rider’s aerodynamic
• The use of the camelback system must not modify the rider’s morphology and must thus
be directly attached against the body.
• The use of the camelback system is only allowed on the back of the rider.
It is mandatory for all riders who want to use a camelback system to present it to the
commissaires before the start of the race at the risk of being disqualified.