Boston 2012

Time to start freaking out about the weather. I sat out the nice last four years so it’ll be terrible again this year. Northeasterly in 2007, heat this year?

Time to start freaking out about the weather. I sat out the nice last four years so it’ll be terrible again this year. Northeasterly in 2007, heat this year?

I’m going with 45 and sunny, 20mph tail wind.

Just as Kona hasn’t been tough since 2004, Boston will be soft the next years?

I am doing the 5K on Sunday and the full Mary on Monday. At this point the 10 day outlook is saying 47/60 for Sunday with am clouds and pm sunshine. Monday will likely be much the same and should be basicly OK. I would be happier with the whole thing if it started at like 7 or 8 am. Back in the day (before there was so much global warming) it started at noon and the entry requirments were harder then what they are for next year. At least we have the Samuel Adams 26.2 beer at the end to look forward to. Tim

It will be hot. We’re due for a hot one. I’m preparing by running in full thermal gear on the treadmill with the vent hose from my clothes dryer blowing full blast on me.

Back in the day (before there was so much global warming) it started at noon and the entry requirments were harder then what they are for next year.

Oh please, spare us that. If you were half serious about running back then, qualifying was not the problem. But I’m getting old too and keep telling all teh newbies that they haven’t seen a tough Kona. Nevermind “The Pit”. But I digress, Sam Adams is sth to look forward to.

I’m preparing by running in full thermal gear on the treadmill with the vent hose from my clothes dryer blowing full blast on me.

Pictures or…

Just as Kona hasn’t been tough since 2004, Boston will be soft the next years?

Ok, 90, 100% humidity, 35 mph headwind, stinky porta pots and men in g-strings…better?

What’s the worst that can happen in Boston in April?

What’s the worst that can happen in Boston in April?

We got a foot of snow on April 1st my freshman year at BU…we are a full 15 days after that so we should be OK:) It’s going to be my first marathon so I’m hoping we don’t need the snowshoes.

If you hold any faith in long term forecasts, has a high of 66 F with rain.

We’ll start to get a better idea by thursday/friday.

More disconcerting would be the wind for that day: 11 MPH sustained SW, gusts to 27 MPH.

I don’t mind the temperature and the rain…can’t be worse than what we had for Maine Marathon this past year.

I don’t trust an east coast forecast until the day before. 10-15 days out is lunacy. But it has been a while since there was a hot race. And I’m a hot weather pussy. Anything over about 62 and I melt like the wicked witch.

Ok, 90, 100% humidity, 35 mph headwind, stinky porta pots and men in g-strings…better?

Awesome! (except the g-strings) Adverse conditions are the best!

hoping the stars align for really great weather to help out my lack of training that i needed to do or really bad so i have an excuse for my sub par performance.
on a side note, how does boston become someones first marathon?

More disconcerting would be the wind for that day: 11 MPH sustained SW, gusts to 27 MPH.

I don’t mind the temperature and the rain…can’t be worse than what we had for Maine Marathon this past year.

That would be a tailwind the entire way since the course is point-to-point. I’ll take it as long as its not a downpour.

Boston has a fair number of charity fundraiser slots for Children’s Hospital, Team in Training, and a few others. Then there are a few invitational entries given to sponsors, vendors, etc.

Anybody who has a spot like this and has not run a qualifying time will be at the end of the field, placed behind everybody who ran a qualifier. So if you’re in the first waves, don’t worry about having to run through some first-timers.

hoping the stars align for really great weather to help out my lack of training that i needed to do or really bad so i have an excuse for my sub par performance.

Hahaha, same here!

Just wanted to bump this. It appears to be the only Boston thread. The race is a week away. There needs to be more buzz, even if only for dunkin donuts or regina pizza. Get on with it, people.

More disconcerting would be the wind for that day: 11 MPH sustained SW, gusts to 27 MPH.

I don’t mind the temperature and the rain…can’t be worse than what we had for Maine Marathon this past year.

That would be a tailwind the entire way since the course is point-to-point. I’ll take it as long as its not a downpour.

SW would pretty much be a headwind - it comes from the south west.

Personally, I just want temps less than 65 or so with not much headwind. I could deal with some rain, but a headwind can be brutal on a pretty exposed course like Boston.