Boosting testosterone/reducing oestrogen?

Does anyone know of any LEGAL & SAFE techniques/supplements to boost testosterone levels (to improve recovery), and lower oestrogen levels (to store less fat)?

I replied to this on Gordo’s forum.

Hmmmm, safe methods for screwing up the natural hormone balance of your body?

The first thing you should be doing is making sure that you are getting enough protein in your diet. Most endurance athletes think carb’s are all there is…quite the contrary. Protein should be at least 30% of your daily calories. Secondly, you need to eat frequently throughout the day which will keep your blood sugar stable and prevent insulin spikes. Insulin spikes cause fat to store more readily. Also, if you are not getting enough essential fats in your diet (Omega-3’s) you could have inflammation within tissues that causes and increase in cortisol levels leading to more fat storage.

Unless you know for sure that your testosterone levels are low I would not automatically assume it. However, if you and your doctor determine that is the case there are legal and effective estrogen blockers available. 4-OHO is one of those. Personally I would not mess with drugs to control Test/Estrogen levels. Eventually you will most likely get things way out of balance and create a problem (when one did not exist in the first place) that could have been controlled with diet and rest.

In short, I would focus on macro-nutrient profile (increasing protein), eating more frequently (control blood sugar/insulin levels) and increase my consumption of Omega-3 fats (natural control of inflammation).

Hope the information helps.

Thanks T2. I am eating plenty of natural protein, limited high GI carbs(only after glycogen depleting sessions), and eat regularly for stable blood sugar levels. Regarding Omega-3, does this occur in olive oil (my main fat source)?

Salmon and flax are the best sources. Udo’s Choice is a good blend. There are a lot of capsulated forms from many brands available.