Boost/ensure etc & Lactose intolerance

I have read where many have boost/ensure for breakfast the morning of IM/HIM, and am wondering if anyone who is LI has done this and been able to handle it? I don’t have full blown LI but I do have a small degree, meaning I can handle smaller amounts of dairy and generally be ok, and can handle larger amounts but have gas and constipation.

Are there alternatives to these that may be more stomach friendly? Or does boost/ensure have non-dairy options?

I am not LI or have any GI issues but they work fine. Best way to find is TRY. Go pick one and drink it. Key is find a flavor that you can drink when it is warm.

I believe that Ensure is lactose free. But it does contain soy and milk ingredients. Not sure if that makes a difference for you.

Fellow lactard here. Ensure is lactose free. Not sure about Boost. I don’t really like Ensure, but I can say that it didn’t bother my insides at all when I tried it. Have you ever tried using Lactaid (or something similar)? Personally it doesn’t help me much, but might be worth a shot.

I will give ensure a shot since it is lactose free, that is the info I was looking for. I checked them both out at the store but didn’t notice that ensure is lactose free.

Haven’t tried lactaid, may give that a shot also.

bumping for the night crowd to see if anyone else LI has had experience with ensure and done well…


I am lactose intolerant, so I feel your pain. Ensure worked fine for me, but I also take a once daily pill called Digestive Advantage Lactose Intolerance. Within reason, I can eat as much dairy as my heart desires.

For example, I was very ill several weeks ago and lost 20-25 pounds. To regain the weight quickly, I ate a Ben&Jerry’s pint and half gallon of ice cream over the course of a week and had no LI-related issues.