Bontrager Aelous RSL Questions

I haven’t seen or been able to find any specific aero data comparing the stated wheels vs. somey like HED, enve or others. How does there compare against other brands, and for those who have bought the Gen 3 SC, are you happy with them? Did you upgrade your wheels to the deeper 75rsls?

Curious to hear your thoughts about them. I would love to grab an SC gen 3 and kicking around the idea. But wondering if the wheels are worth getting over a frame set.

Not seen anything formally tested, other than if you can extrapolated from the Trek data compared to the old XXX and then how the XXX compared to other wheels tested.

That said, between the qualitative reviews (including the one that Dan did on this site (check in the articles, linked in the forum post on the wheels when they first came out) then I took the plunge and my SC that’s halfway through the Project 1 build is coming with the 75s. I made the call to get some Roval CLXs (c50mm) mainly for road riding, but then I’d use those in windy conditions on the SC. So then it was pointless getting the 50s, and so I decided that in all practical terms there wasn’t going to be huge difference between the RSL 75s and anything else, a disc will beat anything, but for the $ then it was ‘daft not to’ go for the 75s.

Note that these are replacing my current SRAM S80s running 23mm tyres so it’s going to be a giant leap in terms of improvement on speed, comfort and stability.

So, in summary, no, not found data, but have taken the gamble you are pondering.

Have the rsl75’s on the new trek. Love them. Much lighter than I expected and handle any sort of side winds without issue. You won’t be dissapointed

I’ve got the rsl 75’s. I have no complaints and would buy them again. I have a feeling they may be faster than my 858’s but I don’t have hard data to support that.

same here, 75 rsl, no complain

Thanks for your responses everyone. I did read the article Fan wrote and I did see that Mitch clarified in a post that the improvement was based on the previous “xxx” wheels that were NOT tubular as a website had originally posted.

I would likely make the jump from the 51 to the 75s, as the $ seems to be reasonable.

I will admit that I was really surprised and pleasantly so (for Dan Kennison) that the premier wheels have tested really well and beat out some other major brands. I can’t seem to find the data, but I believe that dessert dude has also backed that up.

Good to know that if I do make the jump, the RSL wheel line is worth getting.