BMC TM01 vs S5

Dear ST aerogods,
A little help if possible.

I have 2 race bike options, a BMC TM01 and an S5, my road bike.
I have a handful of races where there is enough up and down that I would like to be on the S5, but also a few flatter races that I would like to use the BMC for.
I am considering selling the BMC early (it was due to be sold in July anyway) to help put some money towards my wedding.

IF both bikes had the same wheels (808 firecrests) and the same position in every way (I have done this no problem) with the S5 having 38cm drop bars and clip ons, compared to an ultra aero ADR setup on the BMC. In theory, whats the cost in terms of watts and time?

I plan on doing some testing to see if I can pinpoint figures, clearly there are tonnes of variables but it would be nice to know a ballpark, if anyone has any ideas based on aero data etc.

New or old s5?

drop bars cost about 30 seconds to 1 minute per 40k in my education guess (from some field tests and wind tunnel tests)

Ah ok, so a fair chunk on the bars.
What if it was setup with aero bars? would I be looking at similar performance to a p4?

its an old s5.

Ah ok, so a fair chunk on the bars.
What if it was setup with aero bars? would I be looking at similar performance to a p4?

its an old s5.

yep. assuming you can get in your ideal TT position of course.

There is very little good aero data on the penalty of drop bars when the rider uses advanced clip ons and is in the aero position. However, some wind tunnel data suggests that the penalty (per 40 km) of aero drop bars might be a lot less than 30 sec.