Blocked words?

So ■■■■ is blocked out but not pornography (p o r n is blocked) any other blocked words?

Just checked the banned R word is not blocked out.

Oh ■■■■ is blocked… we are all fucked oh add ed and its allowed. this is bizarre.

get off your ass. not blocked… shit dam pussy well thats my attempt at finding blocked words.

Just cause I want to try… Hide spoilers … oh thats neat


Again just playing with other features


Well, I think we’re mostly adults here, and unless there’s some sort of legal risk, there really shouldn’t be words that really can’t be typed into a thread or reply. There might be some words that get you the hook or a time out, but I think we’re all mature enough to see characters on a screen.

Maybe this would be a good time for Dan (or someone else) to repost a sticky with LR decorum rules. I.e. no r-word, no pasting entire articles without attribution or discussion, etc.

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I’m going to give you my best guess on this. we don’t run google ads in our suite of ads on this forum and the reason is content google flags. it does this automatically. the site is crawled for content. so, threads like bike ■■■■ have given us trouble. i think the powers that be are trying to reestablish google ads as an option to populate our ad zones and that’s what you’re seeing here.

Motherfucker LOL

Well that would be interesting, as so far not many words seem to be blocked.

The fun of new software.

Dickhead… #just.testing. LOL

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Don’t be a cocksucker. Test test

Test: ■■■■

I know it’s a banned word but according to @windywave I am British so I think it’s ok.

You’re a colonial. The British wouldn’t allow the likes of you around

That’s a cunty thing to say

how does one reply with quoted text in this new fandangled system?

Upper left hand corner is your friend…

Ah. I am dim witted.

Cant be done.

But I highlight the post, then hit reply and it quotes it.

Thats to much work

For testing purposes only, of course:

Dan, you ignorant slut.

ETA: seems like that still works. All is well.

Can we swear in foreign languages? “Jebem ti sve po spisku” seems to get a pass.