Blister after 7mi run with shoes that fit well before

Hi guys, seems that i have developed a blister on the side of the bony area by the big toe. This happened after a 7mi run but i could feel it coming in shorter runs to. This shoes used to be great, stopped running after march close downs and now that i am getting back i am getting blisters. The shoes do have elastic laces. Any suggestion what could be causing this? Could it be the lacea are stretched/worn and i need to get rid of them. Any other ideas? The shoes are Altra Torin 4.0.

My guesses are your feet lost their callouses, tied too tight or different socks.

My guesses are your feet lost their callouses, tied too tight or different socks.

These were my first thoughts as well.

You could also try using body glide or other anti chafe creams. Try different socks as well before you abandon the shoes.

Most likely you lost some strength in your lower leg and feet and you are just not as ‘ stable’ on your feet as you used to be.


As mentioned, probably just lost some calluses. In the meantime; use some lube, blister-proof socks, or athletic tape.

It’s less likely that anything changed with the shoes.

I had blisters pop up after YEARS of never having them- in basically every shoe that I tried. Super corny, but I switched to the injinji toe socks, and this eliminated all the blisters.

Your feet got fat

Your feet got fat
Lol thanks!!!

In the meantime; use some lube, blister-proof socks, or athletic tape.
My go to is New Skin liquid bandage. I find it better than tape/Band-Aids because there’s no end that can come loose, which then creates it’s own blister. (There’s a $2 off coupon on their website; no email/phone required, just print it off.)