Blaming Immigrants for inflation

And then kicking them out

(I ignored the modern slavery aspect of it).

I don’t know dude. That glass house we live in is pretty flimsy.

Where does it blame immigrants for inflation?


Pffft…that’s peanuts compared to this.

Absolutely nothing compared to this:


Pffft…that’s peanuts compared to this.…?si=eUFpbJ4JmPBzScxI

This 100% happens. Someone tried to poop on my sister’s SUP while she was standing next to it.
So then they decided to poop in the water instead.

I don’t know dude. That glass house we live in is pretty flimsy.

It’s more the maple washing moose fuckers need to stop throwing stones in their overpriced glass hovels

Where does it blame immigrants for inflation?


Housing costs

I noticed no objection to calling it modern slavery

And then kicking them out

(I ignored the modern slavery aspect of it).

That woke idiot JT is now speaking about it when he sees that his chances to be re-elected are down. His let everybody who apply into Canada is a dismal failure. You don’t even need to speak English, we will provide translators for you. He was warned no to do it, he was warned repeatedly while it was happening and now when he is down in polls he is BS-ing around. Hey, lets let 100000 people in British Columbia. We will not build any new hospitals, schools, infrastructure etc. Oh well, that is not profitable for his backers. As for temporary workers, that is just a way for lots of them to become permanent residents. Just like the student visa scam. Make JT a substitute drama teacher again.

Where does it blame immigrants for inflation?


Housing costs

I noticed no objection to calling it modern slavery

What? Please tell me you’re not dumb enough to believe that.


Where does it blame immigrants for inflation?


Housing costs

I noticed no objection to calling it modern slavery

What? Please tell me you’re not dumb enough to believe that.


You’re calling his Majesty’s news service dumb?

Look at least the US has the decency to let all the folks let in via its modern slavery program to stay

Our immigration policy is an unmitigated disaster, and every Canadian knows it (well, except for the leftists). Canadians hate it, other immigrants hate it, the only people it benefits are developers and large corps that rely on cheap, near slave labour.

For context, we are allowing in twice as many people per capita as the US has coming in illegally. Think about that. We are attempting to integrate the equivalent of our 4th largest city in to the country, every year. We are a small country population wise to begin with, so this is putting huge pressure on our social services. We aren’t building more hospitals, or schools, or rec centers. Only condos, 90% of which are small 1 bedroom units under 500 sq ft.

There are two things that really piss me off about this policy:

  1. it is being rebranded as a housing crisis, and the policies we are bringing in to fix this housing crisis are awful, and do nothing to address the real problem which is runaway immigration. We cannot build our way out of this. We have below replacement birth rate and the highest population rate in the developed world. This demand is 100% induced.

In response to this population boom, our province has rezoned the entire province for multifamily housing. Now, in any quiet suburban neighbourhood, a developer can come in and build a condo or multiplex on a SFH lot. Proponents of this policy have gleefully declared it “the end of single family housing in BC”, like it’s a good thing that citizens are being forced in to smaller and smaller homes for the same price they were paying for a house with a yard 5-7 years ago.

  1. Until recently, anyone who pushed back on this was blasted as a racist. Even the immigration minister said in a press conference (paraphrasing) “I’m tired of everyone blaming their problem on immigrants”. It’s not the fault of the immigrants. They’re following the rules. It’s the policy that is the problem. Finally, the pushback against this issue is becoming undeniable and now the liberals are patting themselves on the back for slowly trying to dial back the huge problem they created on their own. The gaslighting is unbelievable.

Between that and the effects on wage suppression we have essentially taken a strong middle class and eliminated it in less than a generation. It’s astounding, and the main reason JT will get destroyed at the next election (not that I believe Pollievre will be any better on immigration).

If you want to understand the reasoning behind this insane population growth, look up the Century Initiative, who started it, who they worked for, and what their motivations might be.

I think it is more like blaming “temporary” foreign workers for high unemployment. The high unemployment being mainly amoung (see what I did there) young people and surprise actual immigrants. I have been told that “regular” young Canadians having trouble getting summer and other jobs.

The other issue of course is the massive failure of bringing in huge numbers of people without things like housing, medical care etc to support them.

Another windy thread that shows that windy is a shit stirring dickhead who once had a sweetheart who was stolen by a handsome Canuck.

How much more of this drivel must we endure?

Our immigration policy under Trudeau is a disgrace. We used to base immigration on a point system, bringing in qualified people like doctors who immediately contribute to the economy or other needs. We also allowed refugees and persecuted people.

Trudeau’s temporary foreign worker program switched that to allow millions of people to work at los skill jobs, to help the large companies like McDonalds and Tim Horton’s, and he expanded student visa’s to help Colleges and Universities get massive foreign student fees.

It has been a disaster and finally Trudeau is bactracking on the temporary workers program because of his poll numbers and Canadians finally waking up. Trudeau did it for votes, immigrants eventually vote for his party, once they become PR’s, and he did it to help wealthy Companies.

We are not banning immigration, we have the highest rate in the developed world. Many are just wanting to go back to our former high immigration levels and bring in people who can provide something in return.

I’m not sure we throw stones from our glass house. I don’t know anyone criticizing U.S policy on immigration, it’s really your issue.

Another windy thread that shows that windy is a shit stirring dickhead who once had a sweetheart who was stolen by a handsome Canuck.

How much more of this drivel must we endure?

What’s incorrect? That there’s a housing shortage in Canada or Trudeau is kicking out the foreigners?

ETA most of the Canadians seem to agree with the post

What’s incorrect? That there’s a housing shortage in Canada or Trudeau is kicking out the foreigners?

We definitely have a housing shortage. Point me to the part where he’s kicking people out.

What’s incorrect? That there’s a housing shortage in Canada or Trudeau is kicking out the foreigners?

We definitely have a housing shortage. Point me to the part where he’s kicking people out.

Read the article…

I read it.

Perhaps you should re-read it.