
Warning never buy a Felt B2 from bikesport in Michigan. I bought a new bike from them in within 40 miles the bottom bracket was making grinding noise. then on a ride home doing 25 miles a hour the handle bar complete moved all the way to the left. Luckly I was able to stop with out getting hurt. Lucky I was not in a ironman race because my day would have been done. He is by far the worst bike shop I have ever dealt with. He even makes deals and then backs out of them, triathlete be warned of Bikesport in Michigan

Hey, I’m checking out the registration date and the post count and I’m thinking someone is trying to get a rise out of TomD or the entire forum. Way to go, troll!

Greg - what was the promise or deal? Why is it your LBS’s fault and not the manufacturer’s fault? I’ve never purchased a bike where the LBS promised “no flats,” “no problems,” “no creaks,” “no if-you-hit-a-car-i’ll-fix-it-for-free.”

I would never buy a thing from him ever again.His bike shop has no idea how to build a bike or take care of a customer

You know I was just about to buy an airline ticket to fly up from Atlanta and get fitted by Tom and buy a bike from him. Lucky I saw this thread.:wink:

You’re soooooooo in trouble when Dan reads this…


i have been doing tri’s for over 20yrs and I have never seen a dealer like him. When you spend almost $4000.00 for a bike you excpect it to be right. I have ridden my softride for over 9000 miles without any of these problems. He agreed to Felt to give me my money back and then he changed his mind.

who is Dan?

Are you Mr. Chin? “He agreed to Felt to give me my money back”



You just miss Tom…he hasn’t been around in a few days.

This thread is too stupid to be real.

Dan is God! You will be stricken from his record books.



yes he did

I am just trying to have other triathletes know what has happened to me and it is up to them to make there own choices

Not according to Dan…No one bad mouths ANY triathlon related Company on Slowtwitch without being beheaded…bye bye…


Tom Demerley for President!

So, what exactly happened?

Tom D is a bit of a fixture around these parts, so I suggest you get your facts lined up in an organized manner explaining everything what happened. Otherwise this will be pulled and we’ll never hear from you again.

I normally wouldn’t respond to such nonsense, but I’m feeling a bit froggy.
Why don’t you use your name? Who are you? Where do you live? Did you give Tom the chance to make things right?

Is it just Felt B2’s that people should stay away from? Yes, I think that’s only right. Buy all your B2’s from me. Get anything else you want from Tom.

Gutless Wonder.

Ironmangreg - You just signed up for the first time on slowtwitch to make this accusation and then give no details that we can check. Come on. This has to be a joke.