Bike upgrade - wheels

Hello everyone,

I just joined today. I ride a QR Kilo. I’m looking to upgrade to a nicer bike next year. Being the impatient person I am, I was considering getting new race wheels for my QR. My reasoning being that I’m looking for a solid upgrade for my bike until next year. Also - I figure the wheels can be transferred to the newer bike next year to reduce some of my future costs. Thoughts? Is this a smart move or should I just wait for until next year for a whole new setup? PS - I know the bike doesn’t make the rider, but I’m itching for any advantage. Thanks.

Side note - The QR Kilo isn’t full carbon.

It’s a toss up and there are two reasons why I say that. First, There is a decent chunk of bikes that come with race worthy wheels now, it would be a bummer to buy race wheels now and then be bike shopping and either feel like you’re paying for something you don’t need or then go and sell your wheels one year later.

Also, there are a lot of other things that are higher up the cost/benefit analysis before wheels, I personally would make sure you have the easy stuff accounted for in a somewhat rough order of cost to benefit: clean setup(minimal bottles placed smartly, small flat kit), latex tubes, tires, tight clothes, good fit(this one arguably could be first), aero helmet.

Now assuming all of that is accounted for and the bikes your eyeing don’t have race wheels, then wheels are a good purchase now. The nice part about purchasing them is that there is no time like the present(assuming you can afford them) to get faster without more training.

Hello everyone,

I just joined today. I ride a QR Kilo. I’m looking to upgrade to a nicer bike next year. Being the impatient person I am, I was considering getting new race wheels for my QR. My reasoning being that I’m looking for a solid upgrade for my bike until next year. Also - I figure the wheels can be transferred to the newer bike next year to reduce some of my future costs. Thoughts? Is this a smart move or should I just wait for until next year for a whole new setup? PS - I know the bike doesn’t make the rider, but I’m itching for any advantage. Thanks.

Side note - The QR Kilo isn’t full carbon.

i got velocite rt50 last year. tubeless. love them! highly recommend.

If you have to buy 10 speed wheels for the Kilo be sure they can be upgraded to 11 speed when you buy a new bike.