Bike Storage in a standard 20x10 Garage advice

I am in the middle of downsizing from a house with a large basement (perfect for bike storage and a zwift area) to a townhouse with no basement, and a standard one-car 20x10 garage. i will also have a parking space so there is an option to just have a 20x10 pain cave and a cold car.

i have several of the single bike wall mount hooks that support bikes horizontally by the top tube, and was planning on just setting up 4 or 5 of those either one bike or 2 bikes high along the sides of the garage, and having my zwift area in the 5 feet of space at the end of the garage furthest from the door. As long as there is no risk of the bikes falling lining the inside side walls should be ok.

i also thought about getting one of those relatively inexpensive 4 bike stands.

i don’t mind leaving the car in the parking space most of the time but would at least like to be able to get it in the garage if i really have to.

There is an attic in the garage, and quite a bit of space up there, and an OSB floor. There is even a very nice ladder to get there. i thought i could use that space for the bikes i don’t use much - but without a balance/grab rail, i find it way too scary to be something i am using often (will be getting a balance/grab rail fitted after i move in, but even then i don’t think I’ll be going up and down the ladder carrying bikes.

Anyone done something with regards storing bikes in a standard garage that is elegant, keeps them accessible, but also out o the way when not in use?

I know, it’s not exactly a garage, but this is how I store my bikes. (I have a few walls like that.)
Pedal hanger and a DIY shelf underneath. One could add hooks for gear, but I like it clean and simple.
Out of the way, easily accessible, and (depending on the bike) even a statement piece.


I have seen bike pulleys that you can attach to the ceiling and joist the bike up/down. I would prefer that method over wall mounted hooks.

This is how I store my bikes in the garage as well. Depending on the wall height you can get three bikes stacked on top of each other.

I have a large garage and basement and I store mine on the walls in the garage just like you’re describing. They’re accessible for rides but out of the way otherwise.

Has anyone tried one of these Steadyracks?:

I’m trying to find something that will not take up much space but is also relatively easy for my wife to get her bike down as well.

I have a bit more room in my garage but I have a transition rack which holds 5-6 bikes. I think you said you had 5 feet at the back of the garage… a 5 foot transition bar would allow you to hang 3 or 4 bikes you are using regularly.

Transition rack for me. Holds 8 bikes with more space given to the ones I use all the time to make them easy to get in and out, but the tourer/CX/MTB end up with the bars overlapping. Note that if you drop the front wheel out then it reduces the space a fair bit, take the back wheel out so you are just hanging the frame and the footprint is tiny. Then wheels can be stacked on broom sticks coming off the back wall above the bikes - no issue with weight on them.

In the past I used a vertical pole that had 3 top tube hangars. That worked ok but in current place I don’t have the headroom to use that.

So, in summary, back wall transiton rack, and then wheel storage elsewhere shoudl leave space in front to get the car in when you pack up your zwift setup that would normally be in midlle of garage. In fact I’d pop a wall mounted TV above the rack for your zwift to be displayed with the wheels either side.

Has anyone tried one of these Steadyracks?:

I’m trying to find something that will not take up much space but is also relatively easy for my wife to get her bike down as well.

I used to have a pair of these in a small apartment. I liked them, being able to rotate the bikes to the side can have them sit pretty close to the wall if you are careful with how you orient the pedal was nice.

I like the pedal hooks for having one as a showpiece in the office.

thank you for all the great suggestions. I hadn’t heard of pedal hooks before but they look like a great option - even would consider using them along with the hooks i have so that there is almost no risk of them ever falling.

i even googled transition rack …before realizing it is the type of racks holding bikes at races …shows how long it is since i raced.

i move in on the 5th so i’ll be able to get a better idea of how much room i have when i can put my car in the garage.

Crazy thing is that this isn’t a tiny house, especially considering it is just me; just got too used to having infinite space. All part of adapting to divorced life (but i need to take that to the Lavender room)

I have 8 steadyracks hung on a 16’ wall and love them. Even spaced this tightly they don’t stick out more than ~3’ and they’re easy to manuever to get whichever bike we want.

I have 8 steadyracks hung on a 16’ wall and love them. Even spaced this tightly they don’t stick out more than ~3’ and they’re easy to manuever to get whichever bike we want.

x3 on SteadyRacks. Not cheap compared to the alternatives. But worth it for me.

The extra stability of the wheel cradle at 90 degrees to the wall seems nice but in my experience…unnecessary. When I built my garagemahal, I installed a partial slat wall on the side of the garage near the front. I use pretty standard hooks designed for the slatwall to hold the wheel and alternate bikes (front wheel, rear wheel, front wheel) to minimize collisions with the handlebars (all road bikes/drop handlebars). Sure, if you push them around, they will not hang perpendicular to the wall. But since I’m not out there fondling them (too) much, they mostly hang straight. Pretty inexpensive, fits the vibe of the rest of the garage (other parts have the same slat wall installed) and easy to remove/replace.

We have a couple of these and they work fantastic.

Garage Gator 68221 Motorized 8 Bike Lift, Black

I should add, we also have one of these below. I saw a person using this to go from their garage to their attic. You could easily store bikes in the attic by having this go from attic to garage floor and do the heavy lifting of the bikes. The bottom of the rack could have flooring to seal up the hole you added in your attic floor.

I went with SteadyRack. Bought all but one off FaceBook marketplace for $50 each. The tri bike fits well in the “fender” rack, but you can’t see it in the pic since it’s on the bike stand getting wrenched. Used “redheads” to anchor in to 3/4 plywood to the concrete wall, then screwed the racks into that (except for the Canyon MTB, where I used a redhead through the rack into the block). Used the supplied wood lags/screws for the 3 bikes belonging to my fam.


Alternate up/down and you can fit twice as many

Alternate up/down and you can fit twice as many

Interesting - didn’t consider that, thank you! Would be easy to change the spacing and arrangement on the plywood setup, maybe a little less so with the direct-to-drywall mount. One other thing is that my daughters are small enough they can get their cruisers up onto the back wheel to walk it on the rack, but wouldn’t be able to handle mounting it upside down (unless there’s a different technique than essentially lifting it on that way).

Has anyone tried one of these Steadyracks?:

I’m trying to find something that will not take up much space but is also relatively easy for my wife to get her bike down as well.

Just posted pics of our setup. Wife and my middle school girls can manage their cruisers in and out of the Steady Racks.

Alternate up/down and you can fit twice as many

Interesting - didn’t consider that, thank you! Would be easy to change the spacing and arrangement on the plywood setup, maybe a little less so with the direct-to-drywall mount. One other thing is that my daughters are small enough they can get their cruisers up onto the back wheel to walk it on the rack, but wouldn’t be able to handle mounting it upside down (unless there’s a different technique than essentially lifting it on that way).

I don’t have kids, but IMO it’s actually easier to hang a bike by the back wheel. Grab the top tube and down tube kinda near the head tube and you can manhandle it into any spot easily. I’d think a kid would be able to kind roll it up the wall the same way.

Anyways, if that’s the limiter just have the kids hang their bikes one direction and the parents the other. Good luck convincing the wife on the purchase of 2 more bikes :slight_smile:

I’ve got 6 bikes on a 10 foot wall. I have 2 steady racks, and the rest cheap hooks from Lowe’s

They both function almost identical. I can rotate my bikes on the hooks, just not as fast or as much rotation

If money was no object , then I’d do all steady racks - but you wouldn’t necessarily go wrong with a hook