I’ve never been the runner-type, in the sense that my run training has been very unconsistent, and I never had any real volume or structure. I would typically run 1-3 times pr week, running approx 10 - 30-40k pr week (probably avg of around 20-25k/week). Instead, I’ve spent 85% of my time on the bike. I’ve always been curious to the crossover benefits from cycling to running, and vica versa. I’ve read quite a bit of posts around here on this subject, and the consensus seems to be that there is little cross-over benefits etc. This has been contrary to my own feeling, as I felt I had a pretty decent endurance-base from the bike, that would transfer over to my run. My problem has always been that the legs shut down from the constant pounding of the run. Still, I have been pretty happy with my tri-running even with the kinda limited run volume. Best run splits last season were: Sprint - 19:30, Oly - 42:00, HM, 1:36:00, IM 3:57.
This winter I did a real run focus for the first time ever. I’ve been running pretty consistently 5-6 times pr week, and have averaged about 55k/week for 6 months now. During that phase, I had some interesting experiences on the crossover-effects of running/biking that I thought I’d share, and hopefully get other ppls take on.
I came into my running block with pretty decent (for me!) fitness, with the bike being my strong suit. Basically, from mid september last year I cut my bike training down to one session pr week. I would do 2x20 somewhere in the region of 93 - 97 % of FTP once every week. Also, I should add that I commute about 16k to/from work 5 days a week, on the bike (downhill to work - 15min easy, uphill home - 30min easy uphill). Other than this, all my training has been running.
I kept doing the weekly 2x20 untill end of December. During that period, my bike-fitness seemed to stay pretty much put, while I had a nice increase in running fitness. There is a 10k series where I live, and I’ve been using thise every 3 weeks to get a good, hard workout and test out where I am fitness wise. I started the run-focus with a 10k PB of around 40:20, and got it down to around 39:10 the first 3 months of my run-block.
After December I quit doing the weekly 2x20 on the bike (but continued commuting to work). For the next two months my run-fitness pretty much stayed put. I ran 50-60-70k every week, but my 10k level seemed to stay the same. No PR’s on the 10k during this block.
Come march I started the 2x20’s again once a week (time to boost bike-fitness for a june IM!). The funny thing was that when re-introducing 2x20’s I found that:
- My bike-fitness was pretty much the same as when i left of (was able to hold same watts in the 2x20 as before the “bike-break”).
- I set a new pretty big 10k PR on first attempt after reintroducing 2x20’s! got 10k down from 39:10 to 38:25!)
Either there are some other factors in play / conicidences, or I am experiencing that my run training has a positiv effect on my biking, and vica versa! Does anyone else have similar experiences?