Bike Fitting in Penticton

I’m racing Ironman Canada (fourth time, yippee!) next month and I’ve been wondering if any fit experts will be there during race week.

Before anyone gives me advice I don’t need about not changing my position at the last minute, I wouldn’t think of doing that; rather, what I have in mind is to get a good idea of what kind of essential figures (stack and reach) I should be carrying around on a notepad next time I look for a new tri bike, as I live in a market with zero tri retailers and even less tri expertise and would have to go mail order or overseas pick-up.

For instance, I am at a loss whether I’d be better off on a size 51 (w/650c wheels) or 53 (w/700c) Cervelo P2K, supposing that would be among my range of choices. I am also of the long leg/short torso body type and am not a typical fit.

Lacking some kind of Expo fitting session, does anyone at the Bike Barn do fittings?

As nothing gets read around here after getting dropped from the front page peloton…


And while I’m at it, who else is doing IMC this year?

I’ll be there.

Spoke to Fitness Techniqu (from the Toronto area) They may not have a booth there, but they told me they’ll be there, and able to fit bikes (they better be there – they’re shipping my bike out!)

Bike Barn is very good, but super busy IMC week. You should call and arrange something ahead of time.


You could try and contact Kevin Cutjar who is a coach based in Penticton. i know that he does fittings for his athletes and he may help you out. I don’t believe that he is associated with any particular bike shop but I could be wrong. Great guy, very easy to deal with, and an excellent IM athlete himself (9th overall at IMCDA this year I think and 8th at IMOz last year).


Are you coming through Vancouver? There are a few good fitters in Vancouver…

I’ve had a few inquiries about doing some fits at IMC recently, so the more the merrier :slight_smile:

I plan to be in Penticton from the 18-19th through to Monday post race, and am available for fitting/consultations. Contact me at the address below for more info and/or to set up a time.



Thanks for the helpful responses. Yeah, I’m flying in and out of Vancouver, but I’m on a tight schedule and won’t be lingering in that fine city. Hopefully I can arrange something for race week or the day after the race when everyone is waiting on line to sign up for next year’s fun.