Bike fit - seat question

Hey folks,

I had a professional bike fit last year and every time I’m in the saddle on a smart trainer, I find every 5 min or so, I have to keep shifting my butt backwards along the saddle. Does this mean I need to move my saddle forward (eg my legs are in the right position on the pedals, and I need the saddle to accommodate them) or I need to move my saddle backwards? I’m going crazy trying to figure which is the right solution.

(I’m riding a BMC Timemachine with an ISM saddle PS 1.1)

How do you feel while riding on the road?

I would think that is more of a tilt thing. If you are comfortable reaching the pedals and spinning when seated properly, then no need to move the saddle, if it’s every 5 minutes, then that’s not often and maybe just need to tilt it back a tiny smidge so you slide a bit less. I have my saddle tilted as far forward as possible where I won’t slide forward while on the trainer, but if I am out riding outside and hit some bumps I will likely need to readjust.

Thanks for the tilt-suggestion, I’ll give it a shot!!

I had the same issue. It’s not uncommon; in fact many pros used to put grippers on their saddles to prevent this (thought that’s fallen out of style). The thing I found helped the most was angling my elbow pads up at 10deg. so that there is some natural bracing against sliding forward.

Frodo’s saddle

Helle Frederiksen