Bike Fit Question/Video

Wondering if my seat needs to go up? Original bike fitter is hours away and a local bike shop said my seat looks too low? I’m pretty much a rookie. I’ve been riding like this for 6 months.

What saddle are you using?

That saddle was a Cobb plus I believe, I’m using an ism 2.0 now. It’s at the San height as the other one.

It does look a bit low (you are at 130deg. whereas 140-150deg. is more typical). Try raising it 1cm and see how it feels (probably needs to go up more than 1cm, but take it in steps…and your front end may need to adjust accordingly). Overall, your fit looks like a road fit (i.e. existing road fit w/clipons added) vs. being rotated further forward for an aerobar-centric position.

Do you use a software program to show you the knee angle?

Do you use a software program to show you the knee angle?

I have a browser plugin that has an onscreen protractor (you have to use software since screen proportions differ). In this case though I just quickly hacked it in PPTX.

Thank you