Bike fit basics - where to learn or someone interested in remote fitting?


Beyond training hard and smart, I am looking for other ways to improve.

One lever I believe I have not fully leveraged is position. I did get a fit on my 2 TT bikes to date (Cervelo P2 and P5). However, the fit was done by different fitters and the positions differ quite a lot. I prefer the one on my P2 (appears more aero and also it feels more comfortable). I realize that the frame dimensions might factor in (both 54 but dimensions differ) but I do believe there is a lot to do on position on the P5.

I don’t have a local bike fitter that I fully trust so want to get started myself. Any links to sites or videos that can school me on the fit basics? I realize it is not necessarily simple and I am willing to learn. If I mess up I can just go back to my previous position

Alternatively I would also be willing to pay for remote help w my fit if that’s possible


You’d spend the time training and spend money on a P5 but give your self-admitted poor fit the equivalent of a junior high cross country coach by doing it remotely? You can’t see all aspects of fit dynamics remotely. I’d recommend traveling to a reputable fitter who understands how valuable your training time and effort is. Travel to the fitter, get a proper fit, take a few days to train testing the fit and taking advantage of good weather (if you plan it right, I’m in Tucson for example), then enjoy your season. I’ve fixed too many self-done fits to not be passionate about this.

I know

I live in chile and no one good around

This fit took me to kona but I want to go again and I think a good fit will help

I second what Brian said. Travel to a experienced fitter.