Bike Fast Fit app

Has anyone tried this app?

Any comments?

It’s slow but works at parties. If the party is a dud and you want to talk bikes .break out your I phone .it works every time.

yes probably a good party trick, but not a substiute for a real bike fitting.

I was curious about it myself. DC rainmaker did a review on it.

Great app for $4.99 - obviously, a Retül Fit would be better, but where I live, one costs 77 times more than the price of this app (USD387). Also, as my fitness gets better and my flexibility changes, I will need to refit periodically. No additional costs with the app, but more costs with a real fitter.

What I found after spending about an hour taking videos and measuring: my seatpost is too high and my seat is set too far back. My head is poked out too high (need to tuck/turtle). I’ll make these basic adjustments first and then refine later on.

Conclusion: much better than a LBS eye-balling me for adjustments. Good enough for basic fitting to prevent some injuries and give myself feedback on proper form (mostly through the video).

Currently playing around with the new “elite” version. So far liking the interface and the ability to custom tune suggested angle ranges. Marker tracking feature seems to work well as long as you have contrast and are shooting at 60fps or higher. Anyone else had a chance to use yet?