Bike cost vs IM bike split efficency - Whos got the best and worst?

Lets see who spends the least to get the best bike split - and who spends the most! and there is no shame associated with the big spender/slow rider catagory - be proud! The number from the formula below is arbitrary and means nothing, but allows us to compare with each other.


USD$3000.00 Bike (include accessories such as power, aero helmets, disc etc in your cost)
5:55 IM bike split

Result = minutes x (USD$ bike cost/1000)

355 mins x 3.0 = 1065

The lower your result, the better.

I’m a lot slower, but happily spent less (not) getting there:

Bike split: 6:20 Bike cost: $1,500

= 380 * 1.5 = 532.5

i can beat that
Thrify store bike 7 hour 112 mile (-:

is like liar poker ?
