Bike Commuting in the fog....h20fun you need better lights

Dave, I saw you riding to work today. Damn it was foggy. You need better rear lights or a better placement of lights. Your panniers were obstructing most of the light. See if you can put the lights on the back of the panniers versus your seat post. Plus, your jacket was too dark/ non-reflective. Be safe.

At least your seat was not too high :slight_smile:


Thanks, I missed this until you email. YES IT WAS FOGGY, I was all wet.

That was the first time I road with the panniers on in the dark. Did not even cross my mind
they could block the rear lights. Guess I had better move them!!!

I forgot my reflective blinking jacket today after I had left, so will put that on tomorrow.
My dark top is poor.

Thanks for the inputs!! I tried to ride yesterday. Was all dressed to go, get on the bike,
and flat rear tire. :o(
