Bike block

Hi everyone

I’m finishing a good winter focusing on swim technique improvement and run speed (cross country championship in France, last race yesterday).

I’d like to boost my bike fitness before tri season starts. I kept 2-3 bike workouts during winter, mostly indoor with sweetspot, easy 1h30-2h rides and threshold.
My goal will be mainly Olys and maybe a half this season.

I’d like to keep my run fitness (sub 34 10k) and swim improvements. So I want to keep running (idealy with a tempo run and strides per week), and swimming (3 swim 3-4k).

Wanted to give a try to the Flanagan plan, but with just 1 rotation per week for 4-6w (1 2x20 at 95%ftp, 20’ TT or 5x5 z5, 1 easy medium ride)

Do you think it’ll be enough ? Any other suggestion ?
Actual 5min test 350W and 20min 290W, 70kg. Would like to start the season (may) with a 300-310W 20’ test

Thanks a lot

I don’t think the Flanagan plan is realistic for anyone other than the elite.

If you can do 2x20 at 95%, 20 min at 100%+, 5x5 at 115% and one more ride for more than 3 weeks, I’d be really impressed.

I’ve used Flanagan for 3-5 weeks a couple times but not longer. Flanagan is really for time but not frequency limited individuals. If you can ride every day but not more than an hour it makes sense. Most everyone else is better served by day 2 being volume rather than intensity.

What are your time constraints? How many days/week do you want to ride?

Interested in what people think of something like this:

Day 1: 2 x 20 min @ 90%
Day 2: Easy Z1/2 90-120 min
Day 3: 5 x 5 min @ +105%
Day 4: Easy Z1/2 90-120 min
Day 5: Easy Z1/2 90-120 min
Day 6: 2 x (3 x 3min/1 min) @ +110%
Day 7: Easy Z1/2 or off

Ok, so I will keep it simple, with just 1 intense workout per sport per week. I do a 5min and 20min test each 6-8wk. Depending on the result, my intense ride be a vo2 or a z4 one… Sometime a blend of the two
Thanks !!