Big Dog’s Backyard Ultra live from Bell Buckle

The runners are coming up on 250 miles in this last person standing format ultramarathon. More than 60 hours of running now, 4.xx miles per lap, one lap an hour. Until nobody’s left.

Live coverage on Youtube is worth looking at from 10 minutes before the top of the hour as the remaining runners finish a lap and stagger off to their tents, or announce they are dropping out, and the stroke of the hour when the next lap begins.

Bell Buckle is just down the road from me. They are having fantastic weather this year.

The runners are coming up on 250 miles in this last person standing format ultramarathon. More than 60 hours of running now, 4.xx miles per lap, one lap an hour. Until nobody’s left.

Live coverage on Youtube is worth looking at from 10 minutes before the top of the hour as the remaining runners finish a lap and stagger off to their tents, or announce they are dropping out, and the stroke of the hour when the next lap begins.

Approaching 3 days/300 miles now

Edit: adding live timing link

About 24 runners still going. Let’s see how many decide to pull at 72 hours.

Anyone have any favourites out there?

Phil Gore for me. He’s just so suited to this format. With his wife as his main support crew, they’re so organised and efficient.

May come down to him and sam harvey who’s looking pretty consistent and has done 100 yards before, I think

19 runners have just started lap 76. One of them completed lap 75 with just 4 seconds to spare!

May come down to him and sam harvey who’s looking pretty consistent and has done 100 yards before, I think

All four with personal bests over 100 yards are still in it.
Phil Gore (102)
Sam Harvey (101)
Merijn Geertz (101)
Ivo Steyaert (101)

They are down to 12 runners who have passed 341 miles.

The runners include past winner Harvey Lewis.

Here is the leaderboard.

Interesting that the actual time running between the first and last guy still running is over 11 hours.

Right, and that represents different strategies. Run fast and get more rest, run slower and do a more consistent effort through the hour but risk falling behind.

Yeah - Run fast and bank time, but you’re gonna need more recovery

The thing is this - what you did the LAST hour, doesn’t matter; everything resets

My Black Friday 20K Solo Relay (4 5Ks, 6 hours apart) seemed crazy at the time we invented it back in 2008 or so, but it’s EASY compared to this

Strangely addictive. Best to tune in around 50 minutes after the hour to see them finish a lap and stick around for the launch of the next lap.

May come down to him and sam harvey who’s looking pretty consistent and has done 100 yards before, I think

All four with personal bests over 100 yards are still in it.
Phil Gore (102)
Sam Harvey (101)
Merijn Geertz (101)
Ivo Steyaert (101)

85 hours/ 354 miles / 570km completed with 10 runners remaining.

Steyaert dropped out at 80 hours.

Quite an international field remains. 2 from the US, 2 from Belgium, one each from Aust, NZ, Japan, Poland, Spain, Canada.

Current Feed -

Good thing I have to go to bed, this could get addicting watching those 10 minutes each hour. As a former pro and current struggling age grouper, I can really feel their pain, and understand the mental struggles they must be going through at this point in the race. Seems like about 3 of them seem ok, the others are running on fumes and guts…

I will pick this up again in the morning, hurts me to think some will probably still be running when I get up from my cozy sleep.

After making the cut on the previous lap by 42 seconds, Sarrau (Spain) didn’t finish the 90th lap under the hour.

Now down to 9 runners. The fourth night continues.

Phil Gore just whipped out a 43 minute lap for the 91st hour. I’m guessing he’s aiming to get in 15 minutes of quality sleep before heading out for lap 92.

Go Aussie!

Another favourite gone. Sam Harvey of NZ pulls the plug.

8 remaining.

Check out Howie Stern’s IG for photos

Extremely addicting to tune in each hour to see who’s still in. I’m pulling for Harvey Lewis. When they switched to the trail loop yesterday he ran the first mile in ~6 min pace as if to say “shut up legs, we’re just getting started”. I’m expecting the 8 remaining runners to try to gut it out to 100 laps. After that we’ll see who really wants to win…

A 6 hour marathon sounds easy. I’d like to think I could get to 10 laps. 100 is just absolutely insane.