Biden's next 5 months?

So what do you think is in store over the next five months with Biden not having to worry about an election? He recently spoke of reworking SCOTUS. Will he be able to do that?

I expect that Hunter will receive a pardon the day after the election. I’m okay with that. I think that he is more deserving of a pardon than Roger Stone or Steve Bannon.

What else might he seek to accomplish?

So what do you think is in store over the next five months with Biden not having to worry about an election? He recently spoke of reworking SCOTUS. Will he be able to do that?

I expect that Hunter will receive a pardon the day after the election. I’m okay with that. I think that he is more deserving of a pardon than Roger Stone or Steve Bannon.

What else might he seek to accomplish?

Going full Marxist before the election is a bad idea

So what do you think is in store over the next five months with Biden not having to worry about an election? He recently spoke of reworking SCOTUS. Will he be able to do that?

I expect that Hunter will receive a pardon the day after the election. I’m okay with that. I think that he is more deserving of a pardon than Roger Stone or Steve Bannon.

What else might he seek to accomplish?

His health will continue to go south. I think this is worse than we are being told. You will see less and less of him. He will be the ultimate lame duck.

Anything he proposes or attempts will be blocked one way or another and hung around the Dem candidate as an example of what they have been covering for in the last 2-4 years .

Especially in the next 60 days there will be a legit push for him to resign. Possibly by both sides

Depending on whether the MSM continues to actually report or not (highly doubtful) his admin and the Dem party, who spent the last year telling us he was running circles around his staff in private, will have a lot of explaining to do. Beginning with his VP who spent more time with him than anybody but Jill and Hunter and assured us regularly he was fit for office. Her judgement about this and credibility as to how it was communicated will be hung (heavily) around her neck as we evaluate whether she’s capable to lead and evaluate other leaders and situations

In short what you should expect and hope he accomplishes in the next 5 months is to survive and stay out of sight and silent. Anything more than that will just be a reminder of how badly he and his party have lied and participated in the largest political cover up of the century.

So what do you think is in store over the next five months with Biden not having to worry about an election? He recently spoke of reworking SCOTUS. Will he be able to do that?

I expect that Hunter will receive a pardon the day after the election. I’m okay with that. I think that he is more deserving of a pardon than Roger Stone or Steve Bannon.

What else might he seek to accomplish?

His health will continue to go south. I think this is worse than we are being told. You will see less and less of him. He will be the ultimate lame duck.

Anything he proposes or attempts will be blocked one way or another and hung around the Dem candidate as an example of what they have been covering for in the last 2-4 years .

**Especially in the next 60 days there will be a legit push for him to resign. Possibly by both sides **

Depending on whether the MSM continues to actually report or not (highly doubtful) his admin and the Dem party, who spent the last year telling us he was running circles around his staff in private, will have a lot of explaining to do. Beginning with his VP who spent more time with him than anybody but Jill and Hunter and assured us regularly he was fit for office. Her judgement about this and credibility as to how it was communicated will be hung (heavily) around her neck as we evaluate whether she’s capable to lead and evaluate other leaders and situations

In short what you should expect and hope he accomplishes in the next 5 months is to survive and stay out of sight and silent. Anything more than that will just be a reminder of how badly he and his party have lied and participated in the largest political cover up of the century.

We should put a pin in this prediction and see how it stands up.

So what do you think is in store over the next five months with Biden not having to worry about an election? He recently spoke of reworking SCOTUS. Will he be able to do that?

I expect that Hunter will receive a pardon the day after the election. I’m okay with that. I think that he is more deserving of a pardon than Roger Stone or Steve Bannon.

What else might he seek to accomplish?

His health will continue to go south. I think this is worse than we are being told. You will see less and less of him. He will be the ultimate lame duck.

Anything he proposes or attempts will be blocked one way or another and hung around the Dem candidate as an example of what they have been covering for in the last 2-4 years .

**Especially in the next 60 days there will be a legit push for him to resign. Possibly by both sides **

Depending on whether the MSM continues to actually report or not (highly doubtful) his admin and the Dem party, who spent the last year telling us he was running circles around his staff in private, will have a lot of explaining to do. Beginning with his VP who spent more time with him than anybody but Jill and Hunter and assured us regularly he was fit for office. Her judgement about this and credibility as to how it was communicated will be hung (heavily) around her neck as we evaluate whether she’s capable to lead and evaluate other leaders and situations

In short what you should expect and hope he accomplishes in the next 5 months is to survive and stay out of sight and silent. Anything more than that will just be a reminder of how badly he and his party have lied and participated in the largest political cover up of the century.

We should put a pin in this prediction and see how it stands up.

Probably about as well as any other prediction in my response. Or any other prediction I or anyone else has made in the last 45 days as it relates to this race

So what do you think is in store over the next five months with Biden not having to worry about an election? He recently spoke of reworking SCOTUS. Will he be able to do that?

I expect that Hunter will receive a pardon the day after the election. I’m okay with that. I think that he is more deserving of a pardon than Roger Stone or Steve Bannon.

What else might he seek to accomplish?

I think everyone’s student loans are about to be forgiven, for one. What’s the downside for President Biden if he does? That he’ll lose reelection and get hollered at by the Supremes yet again? Oh, that’s right…

The candy jar is about to be opened by the kindly grandpa, in other words. It oughta be something to see, as will the economic hangover, but it is what it is whatever the outcome may be.

He’s got Presidential Immunity for “official acts” so…

So what do you think is in store over the next five months with Biden not having to worry about an election? He recently spoke of reworking SCOTUS. Will he be able to do that?

I expect that Hunter will receive a pardon the day after the election. I’m okay with that. I think that he is more deserving of a pardon than Roger Stone or Steve Bannon.

What else might he seek to accomplish?

I think everyone’s student loans are about to be forgiven, for one. What’s the downside for President Biden if he does? That he’ll lose reelection and get hollered at by the Supremes yet again? Oh, that’s right…

The candy jar is about to be opened by the kindly grandpa, in other words. It oughta be something to see, as will the economic hangover, but it is what it is whatever the outcome may be.

I think he and his handlers will want to try to do some of these things, but I’ll be surprised if the rest of the party are on board with anything that could potentially be used as ammo against Harris. She will need a lot of help and positivity. Free give aways can often backfire even if the intentions are good.

Now if it looks like she will lose anyway, I expect the barn doors to open.

He’s got Presidential Immunity for “official acts” so…

He should plan to exercise that immunity to the max after the election and before leaving office.

Seriously though, I do foresee a pardon for Hunter in that post-election period. Probably in his last few days in office.

He’s got Presidential Immunity for “official acts” so…

He should plan to exercise that immunity to the max after the election and before leaving office.

Seriously though, I do foresee a pardon for Hunter in that post-election period. Probably in his last few days in office.

He should do a pardon of trump (assuming a trump loss and a NY state sentence) for his election interference case, based upon the defendant being too old and not mental competent to stand trial.


I think he and his handlers will want to try to do some of these things, but I’ll be surprised if the rest of the party are on board with anything that could potentially be used as ammo against Harris. She will need a lot of help and positivity. Free give aways can often backfire even if the intentions are good.

Maybe someone can define, “handlers” for me? It’s seems like such a dismissive term to use for the President of the United States without evidence that Biden isn’t making his own decisions. We should probably let the conspiracy theories die at this point.


I think he and his handlers will want to try to do some of these things, but I’ll be surprised if the rest of the party are on board with anything that could potentially be used as ammo against Harris. She will need a lot of help and positivity. Free give aways can often backfire even if the intentions are good.

Maybe someone can define, “handlers” for me? It’s seems like such a dismissive term to use for the President of the United States without evidence that Biden isn’t making his own decisions. We should probably let the conspiracy theories die at this point.

The media (CNN, etc.) have been using that term for months. Even before the debate. It was not meant in anyway other than the people that help him craft any policies and are directly tied to Biden vs having any future with Harris. The people who have the most to lose with Biden’s ending.

He’s got Presidential Immunity for “official acts” so…

He should plan to exercise that immunity to the max after the election and before leaving office.

Seriously though, I do foresee a pardon for Hunter in that post-election period. Probably in his last few days in office.

He should do a pardon of trump (assuming a trump loss and a NY state sentence) for his election interference case, based upon the defendant being too old and not mental competent to stand trial.

Why wait until the election? Pardon Trump now. Trump can then accept the pardon or not. If he doesn’t, he loses a lot of the steam he may have behind claiming the weaponization of the DOJ. If he does, well that would be considered an admission.

NY conviction would still stand. And he’s still been found by a jury as having committed sexual assault that, in one judge’s mind, fits common parlance for rape.

I don’t think Biden will do it, but he should seriously consider it.

So what do you think is in store over the next five months with Biden not having to worry about an election? He recently spoke of reworking SCOTUS. Will he be able to do that?

I expect that Hunter will receive a pardon the day after the election. I’m okay with that. I think that he is more deserving of a pardon than Roger Stone or Steve Bannon.

What else might he seek to accomplish?

I think will continue to do what he has been doing, which is pretty much delegating tasks to competent people. Anything of interest will come after the election.

What will be more interesting is how any congressional hearing about the Bidens will just stop, and there will be new congressional hearings about Harris.

He’s got Presidential Immunity for “official acts” so…

He should plan to exercise that immunity to the max after the election and before leaving office.

Seriously though, I do foresee a pardon for Hunter in that post-election period. Probably in his last few days in office.

He should do a pardon of trump (assuming a trump loss and a NY state sentence) for his election interference case, based upon the defendant being too old and not mental competent to stand trial.

Why wait until the election? Pardon Trump now. Trump can then accept the pardon or not. If he doesn’t, he loses a lot of the steam he may have behind claiming the weaponization of the DOJ. If he does, well that would be considered an admission.

NY conviction would still stand. And he’s still been found by a jury as having committed sexual assault that, in one judge’s mind, fits common parlance for rape.

I don’t think Biden will do it, but he should seriously consider it.

And the multiple state cases could still go forward (can’t remember which, if any, of those Trump himself has been indicted for, just too many to keep track of).

It would be an interesting strategy.

Why wait until the election? Pardon Trump now. Trump can then accept the pardon or not. If he doesn’t, he loses a lot of the steam he may have behind claiming the weaponization of the DOJ. If he does, well that would be considered an admission.


No it wouldn’t. “I gladly accept this pardon since the DOJ has been weaponized against me and won’t stop falsely accusing me of crimes. FULLY EXONERATED!!!”

You must be new.

I think he and his handlers will want to try to do some of these things, but I’ll be surprised if the rest of the party are on board with anything that could potentially be used as ammo against Harris. She will need a lot of help and positivity. Free give aways can often backfire even if the intentions are good.

Maybe someone can define, “handlers” for me? It’s seems like such a dismissive term to use for the President of the United States without evidence that Biden isn’t making his own decisions. We should probably let the conspiracy theories die at this point.


Your handler should have helped you link the gif

I think he and his handlers will want to try to do some of these things, but I’ll be surprised if the rest of the party are on board with anything that could potentially be used as ammo against Harris. She will need a lot of help and positivity. Free give aways can often backfire even if the intentions are good.

Maybe someone can define, “handlers” for me? It’s seems like such a dismissive term to use for the President of the United States without evidence that Biden isn’t making his own decisions. We should probably let the conspiracy theories die at this point.


Your handler should have helped you link the gif

I used to same Handlers as Biden. They gave me soup for lunch.

So what do you think is in store over the next five months with Biden not having to worry about an election? He recently spoke of reworking SCOTUS. Will he be able to do that?

I expect that Hunter will receive a pardon the day after the election. I’m okay with that. I think that he is more deserving of a pardon than Roger Stone or Steve Bannon.

What else might he seek to accomplish?

I think he will try to avoid rocking the boat too hard, and do what he can to support the Dem nominee.

I don’t think he’ll pardon Hunter. I agree Hunter is more deserving of a pardon that Stone or Bannon, but that’s a relative comparison with a very low bar, and I don’t think Hunter objectively deserves a pardon. I think pardoning him would lessen the office of POTUS, and I don’t think Pres. Biden wants to do that, regardless of what his familial instincts might be.

I think Pres. Biden will make noises about further student loan forgiveness, expanding/packing the SCOTUS, but I’m not confident any of that will come to pass with any durability on result.

I think he’ll do what he can to keep Ukraine funded.

I don’t know if he drinks, but I hope he has a Scotch or whatever his equivalent is on the Truman balcony a few times in the coming months. I think he’s a flawed man, president and human, but also a fundamentally good man, president and human. I hope he takes a minute to breathe and enjoy a couple perks of the job before he signs off from POTUS responsibilities.

So what do you think is in store over the next five months with Biden not having to worry about an election? He recently spoke of reworking SCOTUS. Will he be able to do that?

I expect that Hunter will receive a pardon the day after the election. I’m okay with that. I think that he is more deserving of a pardon than Roger Stone or Steve Bannon.

What else might he seek to accomplish?

I think he will try to avoid rocking the boat too hard, and do what he can to support the Dem nominee.

I don’t think he’ll pardon Hunter. I agree Hunter is more deserving of a pardon that Stone or Bannon, but that’s a relative comparison with a very low bar, and I don’t think Hunter objectively deserves a pardon. I think pardoning him would lessen the office of POTUS, and I don’t think Pres. Biden wants to do that, regardless of what his familial instincts might be.

I think Pres. Biden will make noises about further student loan forgiveness, expanding/packing the SCOTUS, but I’m not confident any of that will come to pass with any durability on result.

I think he’ll do what he can to keep Ukraine funded.

I don’t know if he drinks, but I hope he has a Scotch or whatever his equivalent is on the Truman balcony a few times in the coming months. **I think he’s a flawed man, president and human, but also a fundamentally good man, president and human. ** I hope he takes a minute to breathe and enjoy a couple perks of the job before he signs off from POTUS responsibilities.

Flawed like a normal person, or more flawed? Just curious about this statement.