Biden-Trump Debate #1

The debate, which will be hosted by CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash in Atlanta on June 27, will mark the first in-person showdown of the 2024 campaign between President Joe Biden and his predecessor, former President Donald Trump. Both candidates have accepted the network’s invitation and agreed to accept the rules and format of the debate, as outlined in letters sent to the campaigns by the network in May.

The 90-minute debate will include two commercial breaks, according to the network, and campaign staff may not interact with their candidate during that time.

Both candidates agreed to appear at a uniform podium, and their podium positions will be determined by a coin flip.

Microphones will be muted throughout the debate except for the candidate whose turn it is to speak. While no props or pre-written notes will be allowed on the stage, candidates will be given a pen, a pad of paper and a bottle of water.

Some aspects of the debate – including the absence of a studio audience – will be a departure from previous debates. But, as in the past, the moderators “will use all tools at their disposal to enforce timing and ensure a civilized discussion,” according to the network.

These rules seem to put Trump at a significant disadvantage.

I would bet more than even money that Trump does not show. It will of course be someone else’s fault, they will be out to get him, and he would be there except for…

I would bet more than even money that Trump does not show. It will of course be someone else’s fault, they will be out to get him, and he would be there except for…

I would have thought Trump would be loving this opportunity. With the way Biden appears to be declining mentally I am very concerned that in a debate situation he won’t be able to think on his feet properly and will make a fool of himself.
(And I am not from the USA and I am definitely not a Trump supporter!)

Have you see the tapes of trump riffing when he doesnt have his scripts?? All Biden has to do is listen and challenge. Trump will be riffing and just trying to get in talking points, but as we have seen that leads to all sorts of nonsense. Of course his crowd doesnt care, but this will be the first time that the whole country will be watching.

I think Biden would do fine, yes he stutters, but his brain still works as far as I can see…

Biden should wear a shark costume.

Have you see the tapes of trump riffing when he doesnt have his scripts?? All Biden has to do is listen and challenge. Trump will be riffing and just trying to get in talking points, but as we have seen that leads to all sorts of nonsense. Of course his crowd doesnt care, but this will be the first time that the whole country will be watching.

I think Biden would do fine, yes he stutters, but his brain still works as far as I can see…

Oh most definitely.
I guess just from afar I can see it looking bad for Biden because to an outsider like me he really does look like he is too old to be President, no way he could last through a second term (so why compete for it and not put someone else forwards?).

Biden should wear a shark costume.

You win.

Have you see the tapes of trump riffing when he doesnt have his scripts?? All Biden has to do is listen and challenge. Trump will be riffing and just trying to get in talking points, but as we have seen that leads to all sorts of nonsense. Of course his crowd doesnt care, but this will be the first time that the whole country will be watching.

I think Biden would do fine, yes he stutters, but his brain still works as far as I can see…

Oh most definitely.
I guess just from afar I can see it looking bad for Biden because to an outsider like me he really does look like he is too old to be President, no way he could last through a second term (so why compete for it and not put someone else forwards?).

To be fair, many people said he was too old last time around and he wouldn’t even make it through his first year, yet here we are.

Those same people do not think Trump is too old this time around despite being older than Biden was 4 years ago.

Biden should wear a shark costume.

You win.

The whole country wins.

There’s no way Trump shows up. 0% chance.

I don’t see how this benefits him in any way. Trump for 90 minutes in the evening with no teleprompter? He would be exposed completely. He would have multiple paraphasia episodes and Biden (IMO) should pounce on each one and point it out.

Below the belt? Maybe in days gone by. Not these days.

I would bet more than even money that Trump does not show. It will of course be someone else’s fault, they will be out to get him, and he would be there except for…

I would have thought Trump would be loving this opportunity. With the way Biden appears to be declining mentally I am very concerned that in a debate situation he won’t be able to think on his feet properly and will make a fool of himself.
(And I am not from the USA and I am definitely not a Trump supporter!)

Trump is the one who is actually declining. Biden is getting old. Trump is almost certainly starting dementia.

Have you see the tapes of trump riffing when he doesnt have his scripts?? All Biden has to do is listen and challenge. Trump will be riffing and just trying to get in talking points, but as we have seen that leads to all sorts of nonsense. Of course his crowd doesnt care, but this will be the first time that the whole country will be watching.

I think Biden would do fine, yes he stutters, but his brain still works as far as I can see…

I feel like Biden’s biggest challenge is going to be remembering where he is for a whole 90 minutes.

These debates have long outlived their usefulness.

There’s no way Trump shows up. 0% chance.

I don’t see how this benefits him in any way. Trump for 90 minutes in the evening with no teleprompter? He would be exposed completely. He would have multiple paraphasia episodes and Biden (IMO) should pounce on each one and point it out.

Below the belt? Maybe in days gone by. Not these days.

I tend to agree. The bar has been set pretty low for expectations for Biden, and if he can prepare well and stay focused he may well do fine. The biggest threat to his performance was going to be if Trump were to constantly interrupt him and gaslight him, but with the mics turned off Trump won’t have that ability. I think a lack of audience actually favors Trump in this scenario.

This is an opportunity for Biden to come in well prepared and guns blazing against Trump, or Jan 6, on abortion and women’s rights, on his sexual assault conviction, on his NY conviction, on Biden’s legislation that has helped the economy, infrastructure, jobs, bringing down inflation, the stock market, respect on the global stage…

Trump will try to hurt him on the border, but Biden needs to be able to rattle off all the key things in the bipartisan bill to strengthen border security that Trump killed.

I think, correctly, that much has been made of how the format will hurt Trump.

I’ll add one thing that I believe significantly helps Biden (which has nothing to do with Trump at all).

When Biden makes a solid point or says something that gets a strong and positive reaction in a speech, he tends to interrupt the response by saying, loudly, “NO! I mean it!” or “Hang on! It’s TRUE!” and other things that seem a bit grumpy. Every time he does it, I’m thinking, “Shut up! Let them clap! Let them hoot and holler and agree with you!” Saying, and almost yelling, “It’s TRUE” generally implies that it is not, or that someone is challenging whether it is true.

I think that a more formal, conversational tone between him and Jake Tapper will mean that he won’t feel inclined to do that.

Also, what do you all think of this: I believe I would advise Biden to never even look at Trump. Not a single time. Look at Jake Tapper, talk to him, and stay calm.

Have you see the tapes of trump riffing when he doesnt have his scripts?? All Biden has to do is listen and challenge. Trump will be riffing and just trying to get in talking points, but as we have seen that leads to all sorts of nonsense. Of course his crowd doesnt care, but this will be the first time that the whole country will be watching.

I think Biden would do fine, yes he stutters, but his brain still works as far as I can see…

it’s just a stutter

Biden appears to freeze up, has to be led off stage by Obama at mega-bucks LA fundraiser (

Have you see the tapes of trump riffing when he doesnt have his scripts?? All Biden has to do is listen and challenge. Trump will be riffing and just trying to get in talking points, but as we have seen that leads to all sorts of nonsense. Of course his crowd doesnt care, but this will be the first time that the whole country will be watching.

I think Biden would do fine, yes he stutters, but his brain still works as far as I can see…

it’s just a stutter

Biden appears to freeze up, has to be led off stage by Obama at mega-bucks LA fundraiser (

stutters, freezes, blithers and whatever other gotchas either might make, at least we will all have the ability to make a fair head to head comparison. And those who remain torn between the two can find their answer.

Well Tyler one could think he was just embracing the crowd for a moment or possibly had a few second mental pause.
But you being such a Trumpie, could you please explain the social significance to Trump’s reelection with the shark and battery story to me? That may have been one of the dumbest things ever said at a campaign event. What on earth was the important political message in taking electrocution over swimming with a shark at a reelection speech?
Sad state of affairs when we have to bet our vote on which one of our candidates will completely go off the rails first.

Trump’s already starting to back out. He wants Biden tested before. He already ‘‘aced’’ there test with Dr Johnson.

Lots’ of ranting and raving and blaming, but Donnie at a debate without a friendly audience?Ain’t gonna happen!

There’s no way Trump shows up. 0% chance.

I don’t see how this benefits him in any way. Trump for 90 minutes in the evening with no teleprompter? He would be exposed completely. He would have multiple paraphasia episodes and Biden (IMO) should pounce on each one and point it out.

Below the belt? Maybe in days gone by. Not these days.

It’s game on and O’Biden will be juicing but what I want see is RFK jr in the mix that would be entertainment.