Biden shouldn't bring up Trumps legal issues!

Personally, I don’t think so. Take the high road, if a question is raised about it. I would simply say, I will not speak of my oppositions legal issues.

Personally, I don’t think so. Take the high road, if a question is raised about it. I would simply say, I will not speak of my oppositions legal issues.

It speaks directly to Trump’s fitness to hold office. Adjudicated rapist, convicted felon, all fair game.

Personally, I don’t think so. Take the high road, if a question is raised about it. I would simply say, I will not speak of my oppositions legal issues.

If a question is asked, I’d answer it, if only briefly. If Trump tries to refer to “the politically-motivated witch hunt indictments ordered by Sleepy Joe” I think Biden has a right to defend himself rather than just sit there and take it. As much as sitting there and taking it is the Democratic way.

I wouldn’t try to force-inject it into various talking points.

I think no matter what they ask him, every answer should start with Biden pointing to Donie and saying ''This guy is a convicted felon and he’s facing over 50 more felony charges. He’s a disgrace and not fit for the office.

Then he can answer the question.

I think no matter what they ask him, every answer should start with Biden pointing to Donie and saying ''This guy is a convicted felon and he’s facing over 50 more felony charges. He’s a disgrace and not fit for the office.

Then he can answer the question.

Time to take the gloves off.


I think no matter what they ask him, every answer should start with Biden pointing to Donie and saying ''This guy is a 34 time convicted felon and he’s facing over 50 more felony charges. He’s a disgrace and not fit for the office.

Then he can answer the question.


I think no matter what they ask him, every answer should start with Biden pointing to Donie and saying ''This guy is a convicted felon and he’s facing over 50 more felony charges. He’s twice been impeached while last holding this office. He’s leveraged to nearly a half-billion dollars in fines and civil suits, and more in legal fees. He’s a disgrace and not fit for the office.

Then he can answer the question.
I added important details that should not be overlooked, eh?

More words. Which "legal issue "?

The rape, the attempted coup,stealing confidential documents, the fraud, the other fraud, the other other fraud, the attempt to circumvent the election, the other attempt to circumvent the election, the other other attempt to circumvent the election, the other other other attempt to circumvent the election?

It takes a fucking spreadsheet to keep it straight. How much shit has to happen before Biden gets to bring it up?

Fuck the high road. Kick him in the teeth. One of the big ways people like Trump get away with so much stuff is people don’t like to be rude and have a confrontation. Sunlight is an antiseptic.

ETA - shit, I forgot the other other fraud, I really do need a spreadsheet

Personally, I don’t think so. Take the high road, if a question is raised about it. I would simply say, I will not speak of my oppositions legal issues.

It speaks directly to Trump’s fitness to hold office. Adjudicated rapist, convicted felon, all fair game.

Who cares, its not like its something that is not in the news everyday… Voters already know. Why bother bringing it up, just makes it look more like it was the Dems’ going after him.

Ignore it.

More words. Which "legal issue "?

The rape, the attempted coup,stealing confidential documents, the fraud, the other fraud, the other other fraud, the attempt to circumvent the election, the other attempt to circumvent the election, the other other attempt to circumvent the election, the other other other attempt to circumvent the election?

It takes a fucking spreadsheet to keep it straight. How much shit has to happen before Biden gets to bring it up?

Fuck the high road. Kick him in the teeth. One of the big ways people like Trump get away with so much stuff is people don’t like to be rude and have a confrontation. Sunlight is an antiseptic.

ETA - shit, I forgot the other other fraud, I really do need a spreadsheet

To what point… Do you think there will be a single viewer who doesn’t know all his legal troubles.

I can’t tell you the number of people who 1 - dont care, or 2 think it is all made up and fabricated the third group are dems who smile with glee. Talk about the issues that face this country and how you are going to address them, you know the important shit a president is suppose to talk about and care about.

Let the riff raff and pac’s go on about his legal shit.

Personally there should be no question from the moderator about it, keep it to the shit that matters. You know Policies, foreign affairs the shit Trump sucks at… Health care plan… Imigration, etc… If they try to talk substance Trump will come out like an idiot, if they sling mud… Well you know what they say about wrestling with a pig… In the end your both covered in mud, but the pig is happy.

Personally, I don’t think so. Take the high road, if a question is raised about it. I would simply say, I will not speak of my oppositions legal issues.

Hell no don’t take the high road. Hillary tried that and look where it got her. It needs to be highlighted every time trump is out in public. He needs to be shamed every chance Biden has.

This will def come up, especially about dealing with Jan 6th. Its easy to just say that 1) trump was involved, 2) there is a case about it, 3) trump has talked about pardoning all the J6 patriots.

I saw this earlier where surrogates were already saying 1) trump told them in private he only wants to pardon the non-violent protestors (he has never said this), and 2) some of the j6 protestors had just wondered into the cap. - This is incredibly similar to the “good people on both sides argument” as to how some people just randomly and unknowingly took part in the protest.

Personally, I don’t think so. Take the high road, if a question is raised about it. I would simply say, I will not speak of my oppositions legal issues.

Nah… he should definitely bring them up and beat him about the head and neck with them.

But it won’t move the needle with a single voter- everyone who has already decided that they aren’t going to vote for a felon has already made that choice and those that would proudly vote for a felon are just digging in.

Are there really any undecided voters today?

More words. Which "legal issue "?

The rape, the attempted coup,stealing confidential documents, the fraud, the other fraud, the other other fraud, the attempt to circumvent the election, the other attempt to circumvent the election, the other other attempt to circumvent the election, the other other other attempt to circumvent the election?

It takes a fucking spreadsheet to keep it straight. How much shit has to happen before Biden gets to bring it up?

Fuck the high road. Kick him in the teeth. One of the big ways people like Trump get away with so much stuff is people don’t like to be rude and have a confrontation. Sunlight is an antiseptic.

ETA - shit, I forgot the other other fraud, I really do need a spreadsheet

To what point… Do you think there will be a single viewer who doesn’t know all his legal troubles.

I can’t tell you the number of people who 1 - dont care, or 2 think it is all made up and fabricated the third group are dems who smile with glee. Talk about the issues that face this country and how you are going to address them, you know the important shit a president is suppose to talk about and care about.

Let the riff raff and pac’s go on about his legal shit.

Personally there should be no question from the moderator about it, keep it to the shit that matters. You know Policies, foreign affairs the shit Trump sucks at… Health care plan… Imigration, etc… If they try to talk substance Trump will come out like an idiot, if they sling mud… Well you know what they say about wrestling with a pig… In the end your both covered in mud, but the pig is happy.

I could hardly disagree more strongly. I believe you to be dead wrong.

How do you have a debate on policy when one guy literally has no policies for more than 10 minutes?

Other than building a wall he never seriously tried to build, what policy does Trump have that he sticks to?

I assume there’s some sort of left and right boundaries on what he can/should say such that he isn’t at risk of being seen as influencing a jury or unduly influencing independent prosecution/investigation. The last thing you want is an appeal on the basis that the President said X in the debates and that renders a verdict or prosecution invalid.

I would imagine there’s plenty of room in there to discuss the charges that are pending and the convictions that have already been decided.


so few people have heard anything about it. which must be the only reason it hasn’t already had a 15 to 20 point impact on the race.

Biden is just the guy to effectively communicate it.

And let’s be honest, if the American people only knew more about this they would care about it far more than they do the issues that are affecting them in their daily lives

After all this is a real debate meant to move the needle on the “undecided” voter who will for sure tune in for 90 minutes. It’s not at all a Dem leadership developed referendum on Biden’s ability to run an actual campaign and win.

You bring up the cases that are completed and hit him with those, hard and often.

You do not bring up anything that is yet to go to trial because you do not want to weigh in and Trump is innocent until proven guilty.

You plan ahead and use some zingers at the right moment, like when Trump talks about “illegals coming here and committing rape,” you underscore that Trump, himself, is a rapist. “Wow, an adjudicated rapist is telling you he’ll keep you safe from other rapists. That’s rich. I don’t think we should elect a rapist if we’re concerned about the women of America.”

You also mention these things at the end of your time, after making your points about policy and the future of America, so when they go back to Trump he feels like he has to address it, over and over, on his time. If he’s defending, he’s losing.

You try to bait him into getting sued, again, for defamation, again, by E. Jean Carroll. Heck, maybe even ask him if he would like to deny knowing her and sexually abusing her, just to see what he does.

It seems that the courts are treating Trump pretty leniently as he continues to evade any form of real punishment.

If I were Biden, I would focus on the court cases to show Trump is not fit for office. Trump needs to face some heat and get hit where it hurts the most, in public.

Personally, I don’t think so. Take the high road, if a question is raised about it. I would simply say, I will not speak of my oppositions legal issues.

One question to add:

If Biden was an adjudicated rapist and fraud, owed hundreds of millions from the judgments, and was a convicted felon, do we think Trump would bring it up?

More words. Which "legal issue "?

The rape, the attempted coup,stealing confidential documents, the fraud, the other fraud, the other other fraud, the attempt to circumvent the election, the other attempt to circumvent the election, the other other attempt to circumvent the election, the other other other attempt to circumvent the election?

It takes a fucking spreadsheet to keep it straight. How much shit has to happen before Biden gets to bring it up?

Fuck the high road. Kick him in the teeth. One of the big ways people like Trump get away with so much stuff is people don’t like to be rude and have a confrontation. Sunlight is an antiseptic.

ETA - shit, I forgot the other other fraud, I really do need a spreadsheet

To what point… Do you think there will be a single viewer who doesn’t know all his legal troubles.

I can’t tell you the number of people who 1 - dont care, or 2 think it is all made up and fabricated the third group are dems who smile with glee. Talk about the issues that face this country and how you are going to address them, you know the important shit a president is suppose to talk about and care about.

Let the riff raff and pac’s go on about his legal shit.

Personally there should be no question from the moderator about it, keep it to the shit that matters. You know Policies, foreign affairs the shit Trump sucks at… Health care plan… Imigration, etc… If they try to talk substance Trump will come out like an idiot, if they sling mud… Well you know what they say about wrestling with a pig… In the end your both covered in mud, but the pig is happy.

I could hardly disagree more strongly. I believe you to be dead wrong.

How do you have a debate on policy when one guy literally has no policies for more than 10 minutes?

Other than building a wall he never seriously tried to build, what policy does Trump have that he sticks to?

Thanks for making my point. If BIden sticks to Policy and keeps moving to what are you going to do in office and bring up actions, Trump wont have a response and look like the poor leader he is. On imigration bring up everything that was in the Bill the Republicans shot down, and These are what we was in the bill and it was set to pass, till Trump told the Rep. not to pass it… These are the topics to discuss. Actually a great question for the moderate to bring up

If you start throwing the mud, so will he and well in the end the pig is happy…