Biden received millions from foreign governments while in office!

Nah, it was Trump. $7.8 Million, and that is just from his first two years in office and only from four properties.

Trump received at least $7.8 million in payments from foreign governments as president, House Democrats say (

China was the #1 spender. Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, India and Afghanistan also spent big.

The crowd that wants to impeach Biden for something they cannot find any evidence of are oddly silent.

Paging TMI and Mattbk…

Yeah but… Biden said he would unite the country and he hasn’t. And that, my friend, is much worse than anything Trump ever did.

Yeah but… Biden said he would unite the country and he hasn’t. And that, my friend, is much worse than anything Trump ever did.


“Let me tell you, I’m not willing to do too damn much right now to help a Democrat and to help Joe Biden’s approval rating,” Republican Rep. Troy Nehls of Texas told CNN this week. “I will not help the Democrats try to improve this man’s dismal approval ratings. I’m not going to do it. Why would I?”

I finally came up with a good threat title and you had to post it first!

Emoluments Clause? I don’t even know her!

Somehow Comer didn’t think there would be friendly fire with investigating foreign emoluments?? From day 1 donnie showed direct contempt to it!

Biden is far and away the biggest recipient of pro-Israel money from his time in Congress, nearly twice the next highest.

I finally came up with a good threat title and you had to post it first!

Emoluments Clause? I don’t even know her!

Somehow Comer didn’t think there would be friendly fire with investigating foreign emoluments?? From day 1 donnie showed direct contempt to it!

“Barely” know her!

Looking at his issue more seriously, Trump was supposed to have put his businesses in a “blind trust” to avoid - one of my least favorite phrase - “the appearance of improprietry.” But in various articles there are suggestions that Trump didn’t do this, and just laughed at the notion privately, and just went on running his businesses as he always has.

It’d be good if some combination of Congress and the judicial system decides if we’re actually going to care about foreign governments “investing” in a President’s assets or not. If we’re not, then let’s just transparently not care, rather than “pretend” assets are in a blind trust, but with zero accountability or enforcement whatsoever.

Biden is far and away the biggest recipient of pro-Israel money from his time in Congress, nearly twice the next highest.

I think it’s worth distinguishingly openly reported and legal payments to a campaign or candidate under the umbrella of FEC regulation, to the completely unregulated transactions between foreign interests and a private business owned by a candidate. The fact that you’re using opensecrets, is an indication these are transparently reported payments, as required by the FEC. It is not “wikileaks.”

They are not the same thing.

If you’re suggesting that foreign interests should be banned from participating at all in U.S. political campaigns the U.S., even as registered lobbyists, then that’s going quite a bit further even than what Nutella is talking about. I could get on board, but I think it’s a different topic. Adjacent, but different.

Yeah but… Biden said he would unite the country and he hasn’t. And that, my friend, is much worse than anything Trump ever did.


“Let me tell you, I’m not willing to do too damn much right now to help a Democrat and to help Joe Biden’s approval rating,” Republican Rep. Troy Nehls of Texas told CNN this week. “I will not help the Democrats try to improve this man’s dismal approval ratings. I’m not going to do it. Why would I?”
The dude is an asshat. Unfortunately he was my Congressman for 2 years. Then our lines were redrawn and we got a doofus on the other side of the aisle - Al Green. Major metro area districts and we get these clowns.

Biden is far and away the biggest recipient of pro-Israel money from his time in Congress, nearly twice the next highest.

This can’t be true, Windy assured us that the left hates the Jews.

Biden is far and away the biggest recipient of pro-Israel money from his time in Congress, nearly twice the next highest.

I think it’s worth distinguishingly openly reported and legal payments to a campaign or candidate under the umbrella of FEC regulation, to the completely unregulated transactions between foreign interests and a private business owned by a candidate. The fact that you’re using opensecrets, is an indication these are transparently reported payments, as required by the FEC. It is not “wikileaks.”

They are not the same thing.

If you’re suggesting that foreign interests should be banned from participating at all in U.S. political campaigns the U.S., even as registered lobbyists, then that’s going quite a bit further even than what Nutella is talking about. I could get on board, but I think it’s a different topic. Adjacent, but different.

I agree they are not the same thing in law, but from a practical standpoint voters may still be unaware of the scope of the influence, and the influence is very direct - including packaged presentations, talking points to share with the public, etc,. rather than something as vague as staying at the president’s hotel. And this is major money. For example, Hill Harper and Nasser Beydoun claim they were each offered $20M by AIPAC to run against Rashida Tlaib (which both declined).

I don’t see any downside to keeping foreign interests out of US political campaigns or lobbying efforts, except there will always be loopholes, so having it on record is at least something.

Is anyone surprised? There was reporting on Qatar renting empty offices in Trump buildings back in 2020.

Paging TMI and Mattbk…

Hi, how are you? Ok, Ill play your game. Why would you think TMI or I would be anti investigating possible government corruption? Remember we were for it when Biden was being investigated and you and Nutella were very against it. Renting hotel rooms? Profit margins are around 10% so not a great way to take a bribe, but corrupt money is corrupt nonetheless. Well, if Trump told them to do that for favors such as the arms deal with SA as mentioned in the CNBC article then prosecute and punish. The article mentions $100 billion but I only see the $8.1 billion he defied congress on and sold to SA? They could also have done it on their own hoping to curry favor, which if Trump reciprocated then that would be a big problem in my view as well. Though we sold SA and UAE an additional $5 billion for the same Iranian/Yemen reasons in 2022. So once Biden was in office he banned the sales of defense equipment to SA but then reversed course the following year and followed in Trumps footsteps again. This is similar to your JoJo post I disproved where Biden scrapped many Trump pharma regs only to reinstate them as his “own”.

Although Tuesday’s approvals are for defensive weapons, they may be questioned by lawmakers who had supported Biden’s decision last year to cut Saudi Arabia and the UAE off from major purchases of offensive U.S. arms because of their involvement in the war in Yemen.

However, according to “Kay’s Rules for the LR” you are not allowed to post about this because of your silence on the Biden inquiry that went further to defending and calling it all a sham. Its clear that you are only concerned about your enemies misgivings and not about your Dear Leaders. Bias and hypocrisy, cute. However the end result is Im for investigating potential corruption regardless of political party. Politicians are full of shit and corrupt, and I find resolve when they are caught red handed.

For example, Hill Harper and Nasser Beydoun claim they were each offered $20M by AIPAC to run against Rashida Tlaib (which both declined).

Not arguing, just clarifying. AIPAC may represent the interests of Israel. But the money coming from AIPAC is almost certainly not money from the state of Israel or directly from Israeli nationals. It is against the law for foreign nationals to donate to a PAC, and I’ve seen no evidence of that type of illegal activity with AIPAC. It is perfectly legal for American citizens to lobby for pro-Israel public policy or promote candidates who are pro-Israel. AIPAC has very wealthy donors who are definitely American citizens, like the Jewish co-founder of Home Depot. There are interesting conversations to be had about AIPAC, and if they’re getting consultation from the Likud government. Gray area interaction with foreign government.

What this thread is more about is money coming directly from foreign nationals, and not subject to any FEC regulation. I think.

Hi, how are you? Ok, Ill play your game. Why would you think TMI or I would be anti investigating possible government corruption? Remember we were for it when Biden was being investigated and you and Nutella were very against it. Renting hotel rooms? Profit margins are around 10% so not a great way to take a bribe, but corrupt money is corrupt nonetheless. Well, if Trump told them to do that for favors such as the arms deal with SA as mentioned in the CNBC article then prosecute and punish. The article mentions $100 billion but I only see the $8.1 billion he defied congress on and sold to SA? They could also have done it on their own hoping to curry favor, which if Trump reciprocated then that would be a big problem in my view as well. Though we sold SA and UAE an additional $5 billion for the same Iranian/Yemen reasons in 2022. So once Biden was in office he banned the sales of defense equipment to SA but then reversed course the following year and followed in Trumps footsteps again. This is similar to your JoJo post I disproved where Biden scrapped many Trump pharma regs only to reinstate them as his “own”.

I think you might need to take a short walk or something to calm down, and then maybe try this again in coherent English. :slight_smile:

Yeah but… Biden said he would unite the country and he hasn’t. And that, my friend, is much worse than anything Trump ever did.

Let’s Go Brandon!

Maybe Trump II can unite the country.

Biden is far and away the biggest recipient of pro-Israel money from his time in Congress, nearly twice the next highest.

I think it’s worth distinguishingly openly reported and legal payments to a campaign or candidate under the umbrella of FEC regulation, to the completely unregulated transactions between foreign interests and a private business owned by a candidate. The fact that you’re using opensecrets, is an indication these are transparently reported payments, as required by the FEC. It is not “wikileaks.”

They are not the same thing.

If you’re suggesting that foreign interests should be banned from participating at all in U.S. political campaigns the U.S., even as registered lobbyists, then that’s going quite a bit further even than what Nutella is talking about. I could get on board, but I think it’s a different topic. Adjacent, but different.

I agree they are not the same thing in law, but from a practical standpoint voters may still be unaware of the scope of the influence, and the influence is very direct - including packaged presentations, talking points to share with the public, etc,. rather than something as vague as staying at the president’s hotel. And this is major money. For example, Hill Harper and Nasser Beydoun claim they were each offered $20M by AIPAC to run against Rashida Tlaib (which both declined).

I don’t see any downside to keeping foreign interests out of US political campaigns or lobbying efforts, except there will always be loopholes, so having it on record is at least something.

Pro-Israel doesn’t necessarily mean “foreign.” There are plenty of US citizens with lobbying interests that are geared towards issues in other countries, and those Americans are perfectly free (and should be) to lobby their government and representatives on behalf of the issues they think are important.

Yeah but… Biden said he would unite the country and he hasn’t. And that, my friend, is much worse than anything Trump ever did.

Let’s Go Brandon!

Maybe Trump II can unite the country.

Funny tidbit. Yesterday walking through a parking lot saw one of the typical “Let’s Go Brandon!” stickers, then had a closer look as this one looked different. NOW they have ones that in tiny wussy letters underneath it barely visible it says “fuck joe biden”. LOL.

Remember we were for it when Biden was being investigated and you and Nutella were very against it. Renting hotel rooms? Profit margins are around 10% so not a great way to take a bribe,

Wrong again.

I correctly pointed out the fact that Biden had already been investigated multiple times and they found nothing

Republican Inquiry Finds No Evidence of Wrongdoing by Biden - The New York Times (

House Republican Report Finds No Evidence of Wrongdoing by President Biden - The New York Times (

Even Republicans admit that after multiple investigation they have nothing
GOP lawmaker who backed impeachment inquiry admits he’s seen no evidence of ‘high crime or misdemeanor’ | The Hill
Republican Congressman Accidentally Admits There’s No Proof of Biden Corruption | The New Republic
Republican Admits GOP Doesn’t Have Evidence Joe Biden Was Bribed (
Republican Senator Admits There’s “No Evidence”on Biden Impeachment (

It is reasonable to question how many times they will be wasting time and money on a performative stunt.

While multiple investigations have found nothing about Joe Biden there is ample public information about Trump and his family. You, and TMI, are silent.

As for what Trump charges for rooms.
Trump Org excessively charged Secret Service for hotel stays, House panel reveals - POLITICO
Qatar is paying the Trump Organization for what seems to be an empty office. (

Paging TMI and Mattbk…

Hi, how are you? Ok, Ill play your game. Why would you think TMI or I would be anti investigating possible government corruption? Remember we were for it when Biden was being investigated and you and Nutella were very against it. Renting hotel rooms? Profit margins are around 10% so not a great way to take a bribe, but corrupt money is corrupt nonetheless. Well, if Trump told them to do that for favors such as the arms deal with SA as mentioned in the CNBC article then prosecute and punish. The article mentions $100 billion but I only see the $8.1 billion he defied congress on and sold to SA? They could also have done it on their own hoping to curry favor, which if Trump reciprocated then that would be a big problem in my view as well. Though we sold SA and UAE an additional $5 billion for the same Iranian/Yemen reasons in 2022. So once Biden was in office he banned the sales of defense equipment to SA but then reversed course the following year and followed in Trumps footsteps again. This is similar to your JoJo post I disproved where Biden scrapped many Trump pharma regs only to reinstate them as his “own”.

Although Tuesday’s approvals are for defensive weapons, they may be questioned by lawmakers who had supported Biden’s decision last year to cut Saudi Arabia and the UAE off from major purchases of offensive U.S. arms because of their involvement in the war in Yemen.

However, according to “Kay’s Rules for the LR” you are not allowed to post about this because of your silence on the Biden inquiry that went further to defending and calling it all a sham. Its clear that you are only concerned about your enemies misgivings and not about your Dear Leaders. Bias and hypocrisy, cute. However the end result is Im for investigating potential corruption regardless of political party. Politicians are full of shit and corrupt, and I find resolve when they are caught red handed.

If a hotel room would otherwise have gone empty that night, the profit margin is not 10%. It’s probably above 90%. You get, say $400/night and what are your marginal costs: some housekeeping, laundry, restock the soap and shampoo, a little wear and tear on the room, maybe a few other little things. Alternatively, if the room would have been used anyhow (ie, the hotel would have been full even without that customer), then the gain from an additional customer is small or maybe zero — depends on whether the additional demand allows you to raise rates. I don’t know the situation at the Trump hotel(s), but a profit margin of 10% for business as a whole presumably includes all the fixed costs and is not the right way to think about the value of incremental stays.