Biden is here!

Biden is here and nobody cares. Thought you should know.

Also, Foxconn is the largest property tax payer for Mount Pleasant, WI and the media keeps telling everyone it was such a Trump flop

Now, Biden supporting the upcoming Microsoft plant wants to be a hero. It would never have existed without the Foxconn grounds. Don’t let the media fool anyone.

Believe the boots on the ground, or the media.

Carry On Democrat Sound Box.

such a Trump flop


So Foxconn flopping was integral to Microsoft coming in and Trump knew that and made it happen.

That is some 6D chess right there.

Biden is here and nobody cares. Thought you should know.

Also, Foxconn is the largest property tax payer for Mount Pleasant, WI and the media keeps telling everyone it was such a Trump flop

Now, Biden supporting the upcoming Microsoft plant wants to be a hero. It would never have existed without the Foxconn grounds. Don’t let the media fool anyone.

Believe the boots on the ground, or the media.

Carry On Democrat Sound Box.

How many people is Foxconn employing? I remember what was promised, just wondering if that was another promise kept.

Biden is here and nobody cares. Thought you should know.

Also, Foxconn is the largest property tax payer for Mount Pleasant, WI and the media keeps telling everyone it was such a Trump flop

Now, Biden supporting the upcoming Microsoft plant wants to be a hero. It would never have existed without the Foxconn grounds. Don’t let the media fool anyone.

Believe the boots on the ground, or the media.

Carry On Democrat Sound Box.

How many people is Foxconn employing? I remember what was promised, just wondering if that was another promise kept.

Don’t know. I do know the area is still better off with Foxconn here.

Don’t know.


Biden is here and nobody cares. Thought you should know.

Also, Foxconn is the largest property tax payer for Mount Pleasant, WI and the media keeps telling everyone it was such a Trump flop

Now, Biden supporting the upcoming Microsoft plant wants to be a hero. It would never have existed without the Foxconn grounds. Don’t let the media fool anyone.

Believe the boots on the ground, or the media.

Carry On Democrat Sound Box.

Is there any word on how Foxconn’s tax contribution to this bustling metropolis of 27,000 people compares to what Microsoft’s will be?

Kind of surprised that their tax contribution has already surpassed the $860m in tax incentives they got to locate there. Impressive.

Does your area not want the Microsoft plant?

Man I remember when Foxxcon was a huge deal, it was on the front page/cover of almost every newspaper talking about how many jobs were coming back to the US. Similar to the Carrier AC deal, where they got huge tax credits for keeping some of their jobs. I dont think either were actually considered a success.

Its pretty interesting how an even larger deal isnt much in the news.

such a Trump flop


The holy trinity of stupidity has arrived, SDG and tyler say welcome brother jharris.

nobody cares.

Few things say “Don’t care!” more than rushing to the internet to start a thread to tell everyone how much you don’t care!

Carry On Democrat Sound Box.

This is a completely normal thing that any Presidential candidate would do, and have always done. I also don’t care much. Not sure why you created the thread feigning outrage that the Biden campaign is actually running a (completely conventional) Presidential campaign.

Its pretty interesting how an even larger deal isnt much in the news.

Certainly larger in terms of what is actually apparently going to be achieved, but the FoxConn deal as pitched would have been quite a bit of a bigger deal.

Interestingly, though the TSMC campus in Arizona is also struggling. The Biden-touted second fab hasn’t been canceled yet, but sounds like there’s some risk. But certainly TSMC has invested far too much to shut down the whole campus. I think?

Overall I’d say it’s preferable - both nationally and statewide - to have a chip fab than a datacenter. Chip fabs reduce reliance on overseas fabs. A national security concern both in the military sense as well as in gracefully handling pandemics, etc. Also, I’d think, somewhat higher fraction of higher-paying jobs than a datacenter. And a wider variety of skills.

It’s too bad the FoxConn deal fell apart.

Does jharris have the same type of brain worm as RFK Jr?

I am just asking the question…

Biden is here and nobody cares. Thought you should know.

Also, Foxconn is the largest property tax payer for Mount Pleasant, WI and the media keeps telling everyone it was such a Trump flop

Now, Biden supporting the upcoming Microsoft plant wants to be a hero. It would never have existed without the Foxconn grounds. Don’t let the media fool anyone.

Believe the boots on the ground, or the media.

Carry On Democrat Sound Box.

I’m glad Biden was here today. He was kicking off an important WI project and should get credit for that (although I saw the same turnout you did).

While I mostly agree with you with re: to Foxconn, because I do and it provides the (eventual) pathway to Microsoft I am OK with hanging Trump for this “loss” and awarding Biden the “win”. Especially to keyboard warriors and their opinions which have no actual effect on what’s happening.

The boots on the ground, especially the trade union boots on the ground who will vote in WI in November, understand what happened here. Refer back to the turnout.

The boots on the ground, especially the trade union boots on the ground who will vote in WI in November,** understand what happened here**. Refer back to the turnout.

What happened here? Are the unions not happy with the Microsoft deal?

Lawn boy is back! Man, SDG has been bitching about carrying your water for awhile now. Speaking of caring, no one cares about Kenosha either.

Lawn boy is back! Man, SDG has been bitching about carrying your water for awhile now. Speaking of caring, no one cares about Kenosha either.

Jharris said he voted for Trump because he was scared that Joe Biden’s Antifa thugs were going to burn Kenosha down if he was elected.

Propaganda works well on people like jharris.

The boots on the ground, especially the trade union boots on the ground who will vote in WI in November,** understand what happened here**. Refer back to the turnout.

What happened here? Are the unions not happy with the Microsoft deal?

nothing. The unions are very happy with the Microsoft deal as are there employers and the surrounding area.

They understand it was made possible by the Foxxcon deal which did not work out that would have been even bigger if it could have been worked out.

They understand that in the midst of an economic malaise created by the “you didn’t build that” Obama administration, somebody like Trump came in and touted a small number of jobs at some Carrier Ohio plant as important. And then talked positively about the coal industry and it’s jobs. In other words he was offering hope and postivity, something our current administration doesn’t (they just pretend our problems aren’t problems or are somebody elses fault).

And then Trump and Walker took a flyer and threw some shit at the wall over a large piece of un/underdeveloped property that is perfect for a very large long term development and struck a deal with Foxxcon. A deal that Foxxcon didn’t/couldn’t fully honor and therefore wasn’t granted the tax credits agreed to.

In the midst of Foxxcon not honoring their deal they prepared that piece of property and the surrounding infrastructure in a way that was ready made perfect for a company like Microsoft to see it and capitalize on it by being able to hit the ground running on a data center(s). Meantime in the corridor all around it the unions have been able to be part of the development of an amazon warehouse, a Uline warehouse, the first Haribo production facility in north america, a Childrens Hospital branch and all kinds of retail development. All of which has been on going in the last 8 years. And all because Walker and Trump had the vision and guts to promote this region.

But today, here in the LR and on the MSM, we need to have Trump take the loss and Biden take the win. Which as I said I’m fine with because of what I know and believe about who on the ground really gets what happened here in a state Biden carried by less that 50k votes. And because I believe, as I did with the original Foxxcon deal that long term this is nothing but good for WI.

The boots on the ground, especially the trade union boots on the ground who will vote in WI in November,** understand what happened here**. Refer back to the turnout.

What happened here? Are the unions not happy with the Microsoft deal?

nothing. The unions are very happy with the Microsoft deal as are there employers and the surrounding area.

They understand it was made possible by the Foxxcon deal which did not work out that would have been even bigger if it could have been worked out.

They understand that in the midst of an economic malaise created by the “you didn’t build that” Obama administration, somebody like Trump came in and touted a small number of jobs at some Carrier Ohio plant as important. And then talked positively about the coal industry and it’s jobs. In other words he was offering hope and postivity, something our current administration doesn’t (they just pretend our problems aren’t problems or are somebody elses fault).

And then Trump and Walker took a flyer and threw some shit at the wall over a large piece of un/underdeveloped property that is perfect for a very large long term development and struck a deal with Foxxcon. A deal that Foxxcon didn’t/couldn’t fully honor and therefore wasn’t granted the tax credits agreed to.

In the midst of Foxxcon not honoring their deal they prepared that piece of property and the surrounding infrastructure in a way that was ready made perfect for a company like Microsoft to see it and capitalize on it by being able to hit the ground running on a data center(s). Meantime in the corridor all around it the unions have been able to be part of the development of an amazon warehouse, a Uline warehouse, the first Haribo production facility in north america, a Childrens Hospital branch and all kinds of retail development. All of which has been on going in the last 8 years. And all because Walker and Trump had the vision and guts to promote this region.

But today, here in the LR and on the MSM, we need to have Trump take the loss and Biden take the win. Which as I said I’m fine with because of what I know and believe about who on the ground really gets what happened here in a state Biden carried by less that 50k votes.