Biden Going to Isreal

This has to be a security officer’s nightmare. How do you keep the POTUS safe flying into that area in the current climate? Or is this another version of “we have so little respect for your military capabilities that we’re send our top guy right into the fray and you can’t do a thing about it” type of message?

Add to that the reports of a Gaza hospital being bombed, reportedly a site where hundreds or thousands of people were seeking shelter. Hamas is blaming Israel, of course. No clear understanding of what happened yet.

Add to that the reports of a Gaza hospital being bombed, reportedly a site where hundreds or thousands of people were seeking shelter. Hamas is blaming Israel, of course. No clear understanding of what happened yet.

This brings up another point. Would we put it past Hamas to bomb it’s own hospitals to make Israel look bad and work to gain PR points? I would not. If you can but a gun to the head of a child or elderly woman ( like Hamas did) then I put nothing beyond their savagery, even bombing their own hospitals and killing their own people for public relations points.

As to Biden, seems pretty foolhardy. Most likely he will be fine, but why risk it for that one chance you can’t be protected and you are killed or worse, Hamas finds a way to take you hostage.

He visited Ukraine which is arguably at higher risk from random relatively high-quality Russian missile strikes, both on the ground and as he flew in transit.

Israel is a lesser risk in my opinion. There are many routes he can go and once he’s on the ground, Tel-Aviv is one of the best protected cities in the world. Air defenses are certainly better than Ukraine has - and they are no slouch.

For both, Biden shows that he’s got a significant pair. He’s an old school press-the-flesh guy, and apparently isn’t going to let much get in the way of meeting in person with just about anyone.

I think the goals will be modest, e.g. just working to prevent escalation with Lebanon, Iran. While pushing some reasonable constraints on what Israel attempts in Gaza. But even those modest goals are worthwhile.

Of course Hamas would bomb a hospital and blame Israel. Of course they would block escape routes for their own people fleeing war. Human beings are important to groups like Hamas insofar as they can fight along side them, shield them from incoming fire, or be counted among the brutally killed to stoke anti-opponent outrage—in that order.

That’s not to say Israel isn’t responsible. We don’t know yet. I also wouldn’t put it past IDF at this point, all things considered.

He visited Ukraine which is arguably at higher risk from random relatively high-quality Russian missile strikes, both on the ground and as he flew in transit.

Russia is far less likely to target the President of the United States than Hamas is. Secretary Blinken was in Israel and had to be briefly evacuated to a bomb shelter just a day or two ago.

Of course Hamas would bomb a hospital and blame Israel. Of course they would block escape routes for their own people fleeing war. Human beings are important to groups like Hamas insofar as they can fight along side them, shield them from incoming fire, or be counted among the brutally killed to stoke anti-opponent outrage—in that order.

That’s not to say Israel isn’t responsible. We don’t know yet. I also wouldn’t put it past IDF at this point, all things considered.

And IDF could do it and claim it was Hamas. Welcome to the propaganda of war.

I’m sure they can get him in and out safe but he’s a distraction for the IDF and there go time into Gaza.
Wrong guy wrong time Joe

Presuming this is what it’s reported to be, the strike that hit the hospital, there’s no doubt it was a missile strike and not a bomb detonated from inside or below. Doesn’t clarify much of anything though.

Presuming this is what it’s reported to be, the strike that hit the hospital, there’s no doubt it was a missile strike and not a bomb detonated from inside or below. Doesn’t clarify much of anything though.

The alternate theory that I heard earlier was that it could have been a wayward rocket from Hamas. Apparently somewhere between 10-30% of their rockets actually land within Gaza?

I’m sure they can get him in and out safe but he’s a distraction for the IDF and there go time into Gaza.
Wrong guy wrong time Joe

What choice does he have? Obama gave the order

I’m sure they can get him in and out safe but he’s a distraction for the IDF and there go time into Gaza.
Wrong guy wrong time Joe

You know Israel invited him right? By my read he’s spent the last 36 hours debating whether accepting the invite would be too unqualified an endorsement of Israel’s response but they want him there.

I’m sure they can get him in and out safe but he’s a distraction for the IDF and there go time into Gaza.
Wrong guy wrong time Joe

What choice does he have? Obama gave the order


People forget Trump won the election, and has been secretly running the US. He figures this will be his road to winning again in 2024, by getting Joe, killed, or possibly lost.

IDF spokesperson is saying with specificity and certainty that the rocket was not fired by IDF or Hamas, but a long range rocket fired by “Islamic jihad” that was likely intended for another target.

Learned something new today. Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ) is a group operating within the region separate from Hamas, second largest in size secondary to Hamas, and began as an offshoot of the Islamic Brotherhood.

I’m sure they can get him in and out safe but he’s a distraction for the IDF and there go time into Gaza.
Wrong guy wrong time Joe

What choice does he have? Obama gave the order

It’s all good, looks like Obama ordered Joe to go to (checks notes) Is Real.

I’m sure they can get him in and out safe but he’s a distraction for the IDF and there go time into Gaza.

Netanyahu invited him.

Netanyahu’s rationale is widely presumed to be sending a message to Hezbollah and Iran that using the IDF Gaza go-time as an opportunity to start up shit on Israel’s other borders would be a Bad Idea ™.

I’m sure they can get him in and out safe but he’s a distraction for the IDF and there go time into Gaza.
Wrong guy wrong time Joe

What choice does he have? Obama gave the order

And his flash cards are being created

IDF spokesperson is saying with specificity and certainty that the rocket was not fired by IDF or Hamas, but a long range rocket fired by “Islamic jihad” that was likely intended for another target.

Of course the IDF has never lied.

Well other than when they blamed Palestinians for killing an American journalist, but it was the IDF. Or when they blamed a Hamas rocket for killing innocent children, but it was the IDF.

It is not like the IDF has not already hit this hospital already.

I wouldn’t have a ton of confidence we know who is responsible right now. Hopefully we will have more information.

IDF spokesperson is saying with specificity and certainty that the rocket was not fired by IDF or Hamas, but a long range rocket fired by “Islamic jihad” that was likely intended for another target.

Of course the IDF has never lied.

Well other than when they blamed Palestinians for killing an American journalist, but it was the IDF. Or when they blamed a Hamas rocket for killing innocent children, but it was the IDF.

It is not like the IDF has not already hit this hospital already.

I wouldn’t have a ton of confidence we know who is responsible right now. Hopefully we will have more information.

incorrigible would be a good word for you.