Beware of those who answer your Want To Buy ads

This appears to be a favorite trick of scammers. As you know, there is a waiting period in order to post. Scammers don’t have that patience. They simply wait until you post a Want To Buy ad. There’s no waiting period needed for them to answer you.

One good defense against scammers is to only buy from and sell to those who’ve been here for awhile, and have a history of posting.

I’ll get the ball rolling.

User FFDZX, still with only 0 post as of now and registered on June 7, sent a PM about a part im looking for.

The very canned message follows a general format.

I have the (ed. an item you are looking for) in a perfect condition, hit me up at for quick response if you’re still interested in buying

Buyers beware

I’ll get the ball rolling.

User FFDZX, still with only 0 post as of now and registered on June 7, sent a PM about a part im looking for.

The very canned message follows a general format.

I have the (ed. an item you are looking for) in a perfect condition, hit me up at for quick response if you’re still interested in buying

Buyers beware

Same user messaged me as well for disc wheel I was looking for. They found an old pic of one from 2019 posted on another forum…

Yup me too. Same format. Felt fishy so asked what kind of riding they originally bought the wheels for and they went silent.

JFRTZ sent same canned message to me earlier

JFRTZ sent same canned message to me earlier

SAME Here. Same user.

Garagebos57 just tried to scam me on a shifter., be careful!

Garagebos57 just tried to scam me on a shifter., be careful!

Ugh. Wish I had read this sooner. Garagebos57 responded to my WTB post for a helmet, the back and forth seemed fine and they had some previous posts but shame on me for not being more suspicious. I sent $150 and they had a few messages but have now gone silent. Been about a week and I never got any tracking info and even emailed the PayPal account but no reply. Guessing I got scammed at this point. Can we get this person/IP banned?

Put Miller04 on the list too. These dummies just post what they think are obscure photos from a google image search, so just ask for some specific images/angles.

Yeah, I was about to post about this guy as well @Miller04

He ping me via mail using:Clifton Cali
He just sent me the first pic that shows up in a google search for the item I was looking for; in perfect condition, low price, no PayPal account and zero feedback,postst, etc.

Beware fellow buyers!

Miller04 also tried to scam me with some Shimano shifters. Looked at their profile, saw they had registered on July 17th of this year and have zero posts.

Garagebos57 just tried to scam me on a shifter., be careful!

Tried to scam me back in March. Would be nice if these scammers could be banned.

Garagebos57 just tried to scam me on a shifter., be careful!

Garagebos57 is still up to his old tricks. Trying to scam me now on a frame. You can tell its a scam because his responses are odd and he is trying to sell me things I did not post in my WTB ad.

Just got scammed by Garageboss57, wish I had seen sooner.

Beware of username “Ayah”. They are also a brand new user up to no good.

Aug 21, 22 15:17
I have the Bike Box Alan Easyfit Bike Box in a very good condition. If you’re interested, kindly shoot me a mail via for more details.

Best wishes.

Agreed. “Ayah” is trying to sell me a PRSix2 disc frame for $300. Too good to be true. Definitely a scammer.

Glad I checked before paying this POS

I just go an Ayah PM as well. Glad I checked this thread!

Got me on a seat post also.

Add user Yayeeh to this. Trying to scam me right now