Best Wheel Set for Argon 18 E-119

Hi , My E-119 will be here in a few days and I’m looking to buy a 60/80 or similar wheel set. Is there anyone that has done wind tunnel testing on this bike with different carbon wheels? Thanks

I doubt extensive testing has been done, but most people are going to recommend HED or DT Swiss/Swiss Side (pick the graphics you like better). FLO is also a great value option. All three brands should let you run tubeless 28’s, which is probably the sweet spot for comfort and aerodynamics.

Any modern deep-ish wheel is probably going to test pretty similar and you could probably make up the difference between a “slow” and “fast” 60mm/80mm wheelset by wearing an aero helmet and lowering your head.

I’m getting a new E-119 next week too. I just bought some new wheels, I got the FFWD Riot 77 which were on sale just last month. Their main Dutch site sells the Ryot 77/55 combo which is closer to the 80/60 combo you are looking for.

I can’t speak to the ride performance just yet, but they are very nicely made wheels from Holland. I got them with their own Two-One hubs which is really just a DT 350 hub spec since the 350 patent expired. CyclingNews tested the 55mm wheels and showed them competitive with top brands.