Best source of item prices for E-Bay auctions?

what is a good source for determining prices for aero wheels and other bike components that are available on e-bay. For instance, I want to bid on a Hed jet-60 700 clincher. What is a fair price for this item? Is there a “Kelly” or “Blue Book” for cycling items? Thanks for your Help


nah theres no book to look into—but what you can do is do a search for completed auctions and look up a similar item. A rough guide is that rear wheels are more expensive than fronts. 9 speeds are the highest price rears.

Also, most things on Ebay tend to sell at half to %20 less than retail, depending on the age/availability of the item. If its less than 1/2 of retail youre probably getting a good deal. I know of one bikeshop that tries to sell a ton of stuff on Ebay all with reserves and sometimes the reserve is one $ less than msrp. As a result, a low percentage of their items are actually bid on.

The cool thing about Ebay is that things sell at a fair market value----theres an economist somewhere on this forum—and he can describe this in great detail im sure. But high interest things like the new Lance pedals or selling at very close to full retail price, cause their so new and availability is relatively lower than say a pair of 2000 DA spd-r pedals.

Depending on if its a front or rear, comes with tire or not, skewer or not the wheel will probably sell from $180-$260. And if im wrong—you can bet a million people will tell me.

Hope this helps—best shot is looking at similar completed items.

The tough thing about eBay is that sellers don’t always do a great job telling you the condition of a used item. You’ll get all the details and information about what components come with a bike or how many miles a wheel’s been ridden, but for some things, unless you can look closely at the rim in person or the component wears well (like non-carbon cranks), you have to make a guess on the condition using age, and that uncertainty usually means people are unwilling to bid as high for certain things. I think it’s a good idea not to buy used race wheels unless you’re getting them at least 50% off.

I like to figure a percentage of the original cost of an item based on how old it is and how rare/common it is. With more unique items (which don’t include most race wheels by the major U.S. companies, etc.) it then varies substantially. Also, it helps to know the technological changes from one year to the next because something improved upon will usually cut an extra 20-50% off the price depending on the degree of improvement.

So if something fairly common is:

1 yr old, I think the range should be 50-75% of retail

2 yr = 40-60

and then around 30-50% after that…


dont forget to look at rec.bicycles.marketplace

I’ve gotten some really awesome prices on things there. Profile BDC uncut fork from team Saturn mechanic.

Zipp disk wheel for $200.

you just gotta look

how do I get to the site you were talking about… is it a website?

You know, of course, that the more people look there, the harder it will be to get that stuff.


yeah kelvin, i actually thought about not mentioning or whatever it is exactly.

Taku, you can go to click on groups then go to Rec then bicycles then marketplace—they also have rec sport triathlon

When I am looking for something on Ebay I first look up the new selling price, then I look at several auctions to see what things have sold for, or follow several auctions. Look closely at the description and photos, and ask questions of the seller. The biggest problem on Ebay is people who don’t tell the whole story, or outright lie. I never bid on anything that doesn’t have a good photo. I never pay more than 80 percent of new price, even for new items - I can get it for near that from discount houses with full refund privleges - with less hassle.

What is surprizing his how the same item will be bid way up one week, and the next week go for a song. You never know how an auction will go and it pays to drop out if it gets out of hand. there will ALWAYS be another of the same item later!

Have fun!