Best salty snack

What are some of your favourite chips/salty snacks?

For me, it’s cheetos and french onion sunchips.

tortilla chips or popcorn with black pepper and truffle salt.

Salted pistachios, or salt and vinegar potato chips/crisps.

BBQ Corn Nuts

Store is out (has all other flavors, though), so in place of them I got Hot & Spicy Cheez-Its.

BBQ Corn Nuts

Oddly not to bears. I was just in bear country, and the car next to mine made the rookie mistake of leaving food in the car.

The bear went through the Doritos like a brick of cocaine, not even a trace of flavoring powder left on the shredded bag. But the Corn Nuts were left scattered all over the ground mostly untouched.

Tortilla chips and salsa. Simple and timeless.

Doritos if I’m feeling particularly naughty.

What are some of your favourite chips/salty snacks?

For me, it’s cheetos and french onion sunchips.


I will not touch a Sun Chip, there is just something very wrong about the texture.

There are few chips I won’t eat. Similar to BCTriguy1, I love chips. Not a fan of Salt and Vinegar or very hot chips, other than that, I’m good. But nothing beats the original Lays Classic potato chip.

I prefer Pretzels. Preferably Snyder’s . Also a fan of salted Almonds.

Ruffles potato chips and onion dip.

Blue Diamond, smokehouse almonds, mixed with some regular peanuts and some honey roasted peanuts.

What are some of your favourite chips/salty snacks?

All of them.

Snyder’s of Hanover Buffalo Wing pretzels are addicting.

MY best is usually what I am currently eating, which right now is…

My go to lately has been Cheez-it Snapped crackers. Nice and salty and baked so not super greasy.

Trader Joe’s Organic Corn Chip Dippers

Those things are like crack

Ruffles sour cream and cheddar and it’s not even a competition.

BBQ Corn Nuts

Store is out (has all other flavors, though), so in place of them I got Hot & Spicy Cheez-Its.

We should road trip together. These are top tier answers.

Tortilla chips and salsa. Simple and timeless.

This is the number one answer for snacking at home.

Ruffles sour cream and cheddar and it’s not even a competition.