Best headlamp for tri bike

Good afternoon,

I need a good headlamp for my tri bike when riding to work. My last headlight had to sit in the aero bars so it was often covered by my hands. Any suggestions for bright lamps but ones that fit well or in a good place on aero bars.



Any suggestions?

Sorry, no. Considering you might be down on the bars, at night, seems a bit tricky. No idea what helmet you are using. There are number of options depending on the type of helmet. If you are using it for illumination or merely for traffic.

Honestly, the best question is “what is the best light mount for a tri bike?” I never really found one. You end up attaching something to an extension, and it is in the way and not quite pointed the right direction.

You need a couple of parts

Profile Design Aero Bridge between the aero bars. Then use a 1/4 turn go pro mount with the light mounted under the bars.

I’ve found a helmet mount to be best (since I can turn my head to look into turns, get drivers’ attention, etc.). If you need a bike mount, then def. go with a GoPro-style mount (typically a Garmin mount on top and a GoPro mount below).
