Best gloves and shoe covers for winter riding?

What are your best ideas for keeping hands and feet warm in the winter?

Right now I only have cheap Performance neoprene shoe covers - 2 sizes too big (a friend gave them to me). It seems that even if they were the right size, they would only be good for temps down to 50. What do you use beyond that?

I wear canari gloves and thinking about getting the voler toe covers. Had a cheap pair of TC’s last winter that always slipped off. The gloves are great. For the shoes, start with taping the vents on the soles and toe covers, works for me. Keau

I just bought a pair of Vulpine Adaptive mittens last month and they are UNBELIEBABLY warm! They are hands down the warmest biking specific hand wear out there. I found them thru a ST recommendation to check out These things are bulky and way to warm to wear in anything north of 40 degrees F, but below that they are incredible.

Unfortunately, I have not found a similar product for the feet. I wear Sidi Freeze shoes, which appear to be the best cold weather bike shoe on the mkt, but they are not insulated enough for me.

I use Nike Cycling wind proof gloves and neoprene shoe covers. They are good to about 35-40 degrees the way they are. The gloves are supposed to be windproof - which works, but if it’s too cold then i put a pair of smart-wool lined nylon covered gloves over top. The neoprene booties are really nice - but again pretty thin - they are good but not below freezing - if so they are too thin. I think i still have another pair of really old school thick neoprene ones I’ve used for winter - i forget what brand.

Depends if it’s cold and dry or cold and wet.

Cold and dry isn’t too hard. buy 2 pairs of gloves at home depot, 1 normal size and 1 a size larger and do 2 layers (I use light polypro for the inner layer and some lightweight welding gloves for the outer layer). For your feet 2 layers of thin wool socks, most any shoe covers and don’t cinch your shoes as tight.

Cold and wet is much harder. The best gloves I have found are Sealskinz which are breathable windproof and waterproof, and without wind or water penetration it’s not too hard to stay warm.

Wool socks are a must because I haven’t found any way to keep my feet dry in heavy rain. Eventually it just runs down your leg in large enough quantity to soak your feet regardless of the gear used and at least with wool you can stay a little warm even soaked. The indirect water penetration problem can be minimized to a degree by using aquatex or similar thin booties and putting the tights on the outside so capillary action down the tights doesn’t add to the water problem.

When all else fails ride faster. :slight_smile:

I use polypro glove liners, full length gloves, and then ski gloves if it’s really cold ( this has worked even in below freezing temperatures for me) and for feet, polypro sock liners, two sets of socks and toe covers, and the neoprene shoe covers.

I’ve never been able to find neoprene shoe covers that really work so I got a pair of bike shoes 1-2 sizes larger than usual and a pair of neoprene socks (made for swimming) to wear inside the shoes. Works great even in very cold temps.

oooh I HATEd my sealskinz. not breathable AT all.

anyway, these days been wearing my defeet gloves with an old pair of riding gloves (fingerless) over them. girodana windtex shoe covers (they’re grrrreat). if its colder, I wear windstopper gloves. But those get too hot easily.