Best Candy Bar

Saw an article today that says the first Milky Way bar was made 100 years ago in 1923. Not a huge fan of that one. Ranking my top 3, I’d a say Snickers, Kit Kat, and Twix in that order.

Haven’t really ate candy bars for decades, but I was always partial to a Twix.

Sometimes people at work will have bowls of candy and I’ll go for one of those mini size ones.

My first thought when I saw the thread title, was I like Milky Way. Do Reece’s Peanut Butter Cups count as a candy bar? Other than left over Halloween candy, I don’t eat the stuff.

Hershey’s with almonds. By far the best.

Do Reece’s Peanut Butter Cups count as a candy bar?

IMO, the only candy worth eating.

Salted Carmel Milky Way

Mars bar from Canada (peanut free factory).

The only time I eat a candy bar is left over Halloween candy… I make sure we have Snickers.

Crunchie bar

Oh Henry

Those are the two I like best, but there are many that I will happily eat.

not really a candy bar, but my go-to is always at least 60% dark chocolate anything.

Dont eat it much anymore. Now I do have 1 salted Sanders Choc. covered caramel a day.

But this got me thinking… Loved Milky Way dark. Reese’s Pieces were always good. Of course so is the original cup.

In the non-chocolate category we have Payday’s yeah so good.

Oh and Peanut M&M’s. (Is this the best candy derivative of its original? – wait no Milky Way dark would take that)

York Peppermint patties have to be there also… Dang it now I want to go into my discussion of why I don’t have favorites and struggle with the concept, cause situations matter.

When I want a YPP I might turn down a Payday, but when I want a PayDay I would might turn down a YPP.

Yup still don’t get favorite (I mean I understand the meaning, just can’t make it work for me.) Even my favorite hammer (yes probably the only thing in my life I could say I have a favorite off- estwing framing hammer if your curious) , I would not chose to use in some hammering situations, sorry spinning off topic.

I can remember so many times while out on long rides a Snickers bar saved the day. Stop by the little store and 5 min later new energy was found in tired legs. I always feel like I owe them some respect. With that said Butterfingers sure call me hard at the grocery store.



Peanut m&ms (I know it is not a bar)

I don’t eat them often, if I’m buying one it’ll be a Mr. Big bar; at home, the wife is partial to the Reese Peanut Butter Cups - she buys the minis in a bag, so I’ll grab one of those.

I just returned from a road-trip through the US and I’m amazed at how much contains HFCS down there; we stopped at Hersey’s Chocolate World on our travels and I quite enjoyed the sample bars, made with real sugar. We bought some dark chocolate PB cups…mmm…

Salted Carmel Milky Way

Ok, what the fuck is it with salted caramel? If salt is mixed in with a larger group of ingredients, fine, but this need for everything to have salt on it is disgusting.

Salt on anything as it’s own flavor, to me, tastes terrible.

Mars bar from Canada (peanut free factory).

Yup. Mars, Crunchie and Aero.

Mr. Big bar

What is this?

I don’t know that I have a favorite. I like Reeses peanut butter cups, but the cups only and not any of the offshoots like pieces or Halloween ghosts or white chocolate, or anything that’s not the original. I would also put Snickers on there, and York mint patties and Almond Joy, and Heath Toffee bars.

On this, you are simply wrong, and science says you are wrong. Salt will blind off your bitter receptors making caramel taste sweeter.

There is a sense of adventure when living in a country where you can’t read the language. Buying a candy bar can be hit or miss. Yesterday I had one that I think was green tea flavoured, definitely not in the top 10 candy bars.