Bent derailleur hanger?

I think I may have a bent hanger. Went to take the rear wheel off to investigate some noise back there (gotta love the deals you get on Ebay), and saw the derailleur move 2-3mm when the skewer was loosened. Have the wheel tightened down seems to eliminate the alignment problem as it forces the bent hanger back into position (the bend is near the attachment screw I guess). Shifting seems to be okay, with a little wierdness when I get on the 39/12 (where I shouldn’t really be anyway, right?) - chain slides off of the derailleur. Makes a lot of racket.

Do I need a new hanger? If so, where can i get one? Stupid question - is there a “standard hanger” out there or all all bikes different. I have a 2004 Fuji Team.


A vise, a pipe wrench and a straightedge got mine sorted out in no time.

Ok – it took a few trys, but I finally got it right.

I actually had no idea you could just buy one. I thought they were unique to each frame maker and I didn’t want to bother chasing down the right part.