Benefit of spin bike - “fixed gear” pedaling?

I just rode a spin bike (at the gym) for the first time in many years and found the “fixed gear” I.e. no free wheel pedaling very helpful for my technique. I was wondering if anyone else has noticed the same thing, whether it’s a spin bike or an outdoor bike set up as a fixed gear?

I had been doing something quite wrong pedaling on my tri bike that was causing back and side pain, but the spin bike gave me the feedback I needed to quickly pick up on it and make the correction.

The Spin bike at the gym was a Stages SC3 - I might try to get a used one for the home. But I’d love any recommendations on spin bikes - just has to have that fixed gear/no free wheel. Thanks in advance!

The only time it should matter is just that, freewheeling or lack of ability to.

I argue a purely erg mode smart trainer workout is no different. Maybe harder as on a fixed gear dumb spin bike you can cheat your power output lower by reducing cadence at a given resistance. Unless it’s a smart unit with power erg mode.

Can’t cheat power required on erg mode.

The magic of a fixed gear in the wild is a track is the accel without gears or stopping without brakes. None of that really applies indoors given they have a resistance knob or buttons. For fun on open country roads I ride my fixie track/pursuit cheapo toy a few times a year.

Be aware; be very aware

I would get a set of rollers. Those are great for smoothing out your pedal stroke and teaching you some additional skills. a used set should also be easier to find and much cheaper.

Well I recently tried out a rocker plate and I absolutely hated it - spent the whole time desperately trying to stay upright, pedal stroke was probably terrible since after just 40 min low intensity the pain and tightness was as bad as ever. Will rollers be different? I’m skeptical.

Yesterday’s training ride on that Stages spin bike was the first time in about 6 weeks that I didn’t feel terrible during and after the ride. And no before anyone asks it’s not about the fit

Omg. That brought tears to my eyes, thanks.