Ben Kanute at the ARC Wind Tunnel wth ZIPP

Continuing the discussion from Kanute Takes On The Enemy of Speed with ZIPP:


I wonder how much the 8 watt position savings was due to him simply raising his hands?

A lot. The bars changed in angle, type of bars, width, and more.

The pics donā€™t load for me on mobile.

I have been wondering for a while if Ben was too low or ā€œtoo aeroā€ and his power suffers because of it. In the bigger races, he canā€™t quite seem to go with the front guys on the bike the last couple years. I thought maybe if he raised his pad y, would his power increase with minimal cda changes.

Glad to see him on new extensions. Heā€™s one of the very few trek proā€™s to still use the stock ones. I have wondered why he hasnā€™t switched sooner.

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If you go view it from the article on the front page, they are there.

As for this forumā€¦

If you use the img tag - bbcode or html - it should just cause the post to render the remote image. But thatā€™s not what happens here. This forum somehow tries to save a copy of that remote image (which it shouldnā€™t do) - and then afterwards the image is broken.

Another item for @SlowtwitchSupport

Interesting how the new paradigm seems to be converging on pad height higher than youā€™d think, tilted hands way out in front, and Darth Vader helmet behind hands to close the gap.

Iā€™m curious if anyoneā€™s gone in the opposite direction or if this type of position is now standard enough to be considered orthodox / standard best practice.

Slowtwitch team, this was BY FAR the best piece of visual/audio content youā€™ve put out since Iā€™ve been around here. Well done on this one and hopefully thereā€™s more to come.


2 different bikes or just different paint?

I didnā€™t see it talked about in the video

Nice editing! Glad you included the part where the team of aero specialists and a pro seeking aero gains choose their transport to the wind tunnel: a pickup truck. :pickup_truck: :joy:

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Correct. 2 different bikes. Same Fame and Same Wheels. The one was used to get the BASE line test the other one had the new bars on ( this just simply saved them a lot of time as wind tunnel time of $$

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It was perfect for Mr American :slight_smile:

See here, son, thatā€™s called ā€˜murican round these parts

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Great to see local legend Paraic as well.

Hey Jim, did Ben test a BTS two bottle set up?

They tested the cost of 1 and 3 bottles. It was no aero cost difference to run 3 vs 1, so pretty safe to assume 2 will not have a cost, but they didnā€™t run a two bottle set-up.

And was this sort of the traditional 45 degree angled, close to sadlle set up or did he test it as bottles laying horizontal? Sorry for the wonky questions, Iā€™m setting upa new bike for Kona and going back and forth on this. :slight_smile:

They didnt test any of that becuase the reuslts would be so small that itā€™s not even worth the timeā€¦I can tell you right nowā€¦ The best thing you can do is put the rear cage on so that it doesnt fall out and its the easiest for you to grab.

Yeah I agree, I was just curious to see what the efficacy was of mounting bottles horizontal and often double stacked. It seems to create quite a bother in regards to pulling them in and out but there must be a reason so many seem to be doing it in the pro field.

Does anyone know what rear hydration mounting system Ben is using?

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Not sure that Bontrager makes it anymore, but, I believe this is the one Ben is using. Itā€™s designed to work with the Hilo saddle