Raced a 70.3 on May 4th, during the bike I started noticing some pain behind my right knee. Bike otherwise felt strong and was very happy with split, so no impact on power output. Was concerned it would cause issues on the run, but again no issues, but possibly just adrenaline.
Since the race, its been causing alot of issues/pain. I’ve avoided the bike since then and only done some slow runs, but I’m supposed to being ramping up into a big volume/build period (‘A’ race is IM FL). The pain is present mostly when my leg is fully extended, and seems to be more stemming from the tendons than the upper calf, though it can be hard to isolate. Pain is more acute on the inside portion of the leg. Bike was professionally fit, so don’t think its a saddle height issue, but i suppose could be possible.
Anyone experienced similar pain? What was the diagnosis and recovery time? Need to get in to see my PT, but trying to get a sense if I’m going to be laid up for a while and impact on training plan.