Been having rough stomach issues and need a hug

Last week I had the worst diaherrea of my life, was just fine for two days over the weekend, but now this evening I feel sick to my stomach and threw up my lunch…something I haven’t done in years. I’m going to go to the doctor’s tomorrow to get checked but right now I just need a ST group hug. Please. Thank you.

Last week I had the worst diarrhea of my life, was just fine for two days over the weekend, but now this evening I feel sick to my stomach and threw up my lunch…something I haven’t done in years. I’m going to go to the doctor’s tomorrow to get checked but right now I just need a ST group hug. Please. Thank you.

Have you been able to pinpoint any changes in your diet that might have led to this issue??? Sometimes eating too healthily can lead to excessive fiber, which leads to “the runs”.

Shit happens. Hope you get well soon.

look at the bright side - you’ll make race weight much sooner this way. I do hope you feel better soon.

Wow, 3 responses and nobody sent you to the “cry like a bitch” thread. Good luck getting better!

Either Greenplease lucked into a good karma ST day, or all the cranky/witty regulars are on the sleepy side of the globe. I didn’t even get an “I see what you did there” response to my comment! :slight_smile:

Hey Cornelius, feel better! I use essential oils to help relieve nausea. I use specifically Digize by Young Living, but anything like peppermint, fennel, tumeric helps. Just rub on your tummy. -Amy

Sometimes the “24 hour bug” is actually more like 5 days. Damn norovirus.

I blame hand sanitizer. Get well, sweetheart.

Last week I had the worst diaherrea of my life, was just fine for two days over the weekend, but now this evening I feel sick to my stomach and threw up my lunch…something I haven’t done in years. I’m going to go to the doctor’s tomorrow to get checked but right now I just need a ST group hug. Please. Thank you.

Group hug? So you can give me whatever you got? No thanks!

(Hope you feel better…seriously)

Shit happens. Hope you get well