Becoming a fitter/courses

Hi guys,
I am new to the forum but I would like to become a fitter can you recommend the best course or direction to go? My background is over 25 years of physical training and I am a physiotherapist based in the UK. Oh and I have been riding road bikes for 10 years at European sportive level.

Welcome, Wayne.
Of course some of would have a bias and say you should definitely come out to California and become a FIST certified fitter. Short of flying out to attend a workshop with Dan, I would recommend reading every article in the Bike Fit Section on this site first.

Most of us in the US are exposed to any number of schools and seminars, and carry certifications from more than one ‘school’. Serotta International Cycling Institute, Retul, Specialized and Trek all have their courses. Check out the UK fitters listed on Slowtwitch and contact them for classes or seminars in your area.

Hi Anne,

Thanks for the advice and yes coming out to sunny, warm,California would be a lovely option.

I have already started reading all the articles on this forum and feel that most of the main systems have there own pros and cons. It’s just a case of me deciding on a system and going for it.

I do appreciate any comments that this forum has to offer me.

I’ll let you know when and which I decide on too.


Well having spent the last few days reading and searching many different websites. I have taken Anne’s advice and I am booked on F.I.S.T end of January basic course in California. That will be an adventure in its self as I have never been to the States before. Exciting!!

Most excellent! You will love it, Dan will put you thru some grueling tasks but Monty will provide chocolate cake :slight_smile:

Hi Wayne, I’m also heading over from the UK to the F.I.S.T. class in Jan - drop me an email, maybe we can share some expenses?

Since your in England Start with Cycle fit they run classes and host the The international Cycle fit Symposium .

Also check out the medicine of cycling guidelines

Happy Freedman

Hi Mark,

Sounds like a good idea Will I able to contact you at the shop?

My suggestion is to avail yourself of the resources close to home first. The UK has some excellent and world class fitters, instructors and schools right there. Including the symposium in London end of January (you would be crazy too miss that opportunity if your serious about fitting)

I would also reach out to John Dennis at Physiohaus in Newcastle. He is a Retul University instructor and knows the resources and players in the UK. Contact him here.

37-39 St. George’s Terrace Newcastle United Kingdom NE22SX
Phone # 01912817703

Maybe you can also search around you and see if there is a fitter doing good work who you can shadow or apprentice with.

Note if your going to visit the ranch and Dan in January be prepared for cold and a little snow. rarely enough to keep you from riding but bring warm cycling gear it can get pretty brisk.


I am also a very keen watching advocate of FIST methodology, I have done the Spesh BG course, know a fair amount about Trek’s proposition and I know Phil Burt who does the Retul fits for BC. So a mixed bag. I am looking at the Cyclefit course in March as well.

I am trying to gather a compendium of knowledge and then go full time into this as my career and passion. I am based in France but I am english and I would love to hear how you guys fair on this course/get your feedback etc.

