Beach running question

Question for those that regularly have the ability to run at the beach.

Compared to running on the road, at the same effort level what do you see as how much slower you go on sand?

We spend a week a summer at the beach and I do a lot of beach running and of course it’s slower. Now admittedly this is a week where I run every day, which for me is not normal, so I get pretty tired by the end of the week. But coupled with the much higher humidity then where I live I’m going to say I’m prob 30-45 seconds slower per mile than a like effort level on a flat road. Does this sound accurate?

And for those that get to run at the beach regularly I am very jealous. I absolutely love it.

It depends on the sand. Dry loose sand or mushy wet sand is slow as hell and an absolute leg killer. Harder packed sand nowhere near as bad.

My weekly beach run is barefoot on mostly hardpack sand with a few places soft. Turn off the watch and put on your boardshorts (or bikini) and enjoy :slight_smile:

I’d say that sounds about right for packed, wet sand. Soft, dry sand is another story. I’d just do the runs based on HR…and be careful about muscle soreness (running on sand is basically like running in negative drop shoes).

Yah. It’s the hard packed stuff. I despise even walking in soft sand. I don’t know how sand volleyball players play on soft sand.

My beach runs are about scenery and clearing some calories for pork rinds and beer. But inevitably of course I hit start on the Garmin.