Be Careful Returning Your Airsoft Gun

Dumbass playing cop in a store parking lot kills a teenager on his way to return his airsoft gun.

Amazing how if you go looking for trouble you find it.

Dumbass playing cop in a store parking lot kills a teenager on his way to return his airsoft gun.

Amazing how if you go looking for trouble you find it.

blahblahblah good guy with a gun blahblahblah

The only thing that can stop a teenager from returning an airsoft gun is a good guy with a gun.

If you think the world is out to get you…
Tyranny is everywhere.

The only thing that can stop a teenager from returning an airsoft gun is a good guy with a gun.

The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun assaulting kids without a gun is a good guy with a gun. The problem here is that not enough people had guns. The solution to this is for more people to have guns and have less liability for them if they intervene and make a mistake.

The only thing that can stop a teenager from returning an airsoft gun is a good guy with a gun.

The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun assaulting kids without a gun is a good guy with a gun. The problem here is that not enough people had guns. The solution to this is for more people to have guns and have less liability for them if they intervene and make a mistake.

An armed society, with no gun laws whatsoever, is a polite society.

Dumbass playing cop in a store parking lot kills a teenager on his way to return his airsoft gun.

Amazing how if you go looking for trouble you find it.

blahblahblah good guy with a gun blahblahblah

I’m more concerned that some of you think a guy that shoots a teenager in the back is a good guy. WTF? Or is this just posturing?

I’m more concerned that some of you think a guy that shoots a teenager in the back is a good guy. WTF? Or is this just posturing?

That is 100% dark sarcasm from Ken.

In my jaded older age I rarely get angry reading news anymore. This one made me angry. I hope this guy gets put away for a long, long time.

Dumbass playing cop in a store parking lot kills a teenager on his way to return his airsoft gun.

Amazing how if you go looking for trouble you find it.

blahblahblah good guy with a gun blahblahblah

I’m more concerned that some of you think a guy that shoots a teenager in the back is a good guy. WTF? Or is this just posturing?

I think those statements are being made with a heavy dose of sarcasm.

This situation is a perfect set of facts where we can see (again) how fucked up we are.

As a parent of a young kid doing martial arts in a strip mall, wouldn’t you be concerned if you saw some teenagers with scary looking guns? I remember when my kids were little, and I thought all teenagers were terrible. I was truly intimidated and frightened by teens. I probably would have been as scared of those kids as the dumbass dad was. I’ve learned to speak with scary teens though, and I assert mom-concern and mom-authority pretty well. I don’t need no stinking guns.

As the parent of teens, I’m horrified that the dumbass dad confronted the teens with a gun and tried to stop them from entering the store. In an absolutist 2A world, they should have killed the dad before the dad killed them.

So what’s our status? The kids who have a right to play-guns were killed for it. The dad who has a right to reasonable self-defense is going to be charged with murder. No one feels secure. Having a gun gets you killed or jailed.

I think it’s survival of the fittest here. It really looks like people who engage in gun culture are going to get killed. Unfortunately bystanders will get killed too.

This guy sounds like he’s been an incident waiting to happen, apparently with a previous history of getting himself into situations where he thought people were armed.

Dumbass playing cop in a store parking lot kills a teenager on his way to return his airsoft gun.

Amazing how if you go looking for trouble you find it.

blahblahblah good guy with a gun blahblahblah

Exactly this moronic NRA talking point. Remember, according to the NRA ummm “statistics”, there have been millions of lives saved by good guys doing such wonderful gun brandishings.

So, yeah, they mean middle age 2nd amendment f*cking morons doing ‘overwatch’ at strip malls.

So, thanks, NRA, I feel so much safer already.

So what’s our status? The kids who have a right to play-guns were killed for it. The dad who has a right to reasonable self-defense is going to be charged with murder.

Did you read the article?

Having a right to reasonable self defense is one thing. What he did was another thing entirely, assuming the report is accurate.

Myers, who is not a member of law enforcement, had decided to conduct “overwatch” at the parking lot and “immediately assumed” the three teens were about to commit a violent robbery, the prosecutor wrote. Overwatch is a military term for surveilling a location.

He exited his vehicle and pointed his pistol at the trio, commanding them to stop, drop their guns and get on the ground, the documents state. The teens complied and B.A. put the airsoft gun on the ground, saying it was just a “BB gun,” according to the prosecutor.

The 51-year-old then tackled B.A. and pinned him to the ground, the documents state. H.R. had his hands in the air and was backing away, and Myers then shot at him at least seven times, killing the teen, according to the case summary.

This guy deserves to go away for a long, long time and never see a firearm again.

Yes, I read the article.

That dumbass dad had a fear. I know what it’s like to have a fear of gun violence. I have been touched by gun violence. If I saw a kid walking with something that looked like a serious gun, I would feel concern and a need to investigate. Would I be a Karen? Obviously, approaching the kids and exchanging pleasantries is the best way to investigate without escalating things. But that takes courage and calm.

A long time ago, we talked in LR about the reasonable person standard. The reasonable person standard reflects societal norms. As we experience gun violence and inflammatory and violent rhetoric, it can change our perceptions and change what we think is reasonable. A larger number of our population will feel unsafe and resort to violence out of fear.

I’m not suggesting the dumbass dad was reasonable. I’m saying that we have a gun-culture that deprives us of a sense of security. It is a death-spiral, basically.

Dumbass playing cop in a store parking lot kills a teenager on his way to return his airsoft gun.

Amazing how if you go looking for trouble you find it.

blahblahblah good guy with a gun blahblahblah

I’m more concerned that some of you think a guy that shoots a teenager in the back is a good guy. WTF? Or is this just posturing?

I think those statements are being made with a heavy dose of sarcasm.

DarkSpeedWorks just proved you wrong.

I’m not suggesting the dumbass dad was reasonable. I’m saying that we have a gun-culture that deprives us of a sense of security. It is a death-spiral, basically.

Could not agree more.

This situation is a perfect set of facts where we can see (again) how fucked up we are.

As a parent of a young kid doing martial arts in a strip mall, wouldn’t you be concerned if you saw some teenagers with scary looking guns? I remember when my kids were little, and I thought all teenagers were terrible. I was truly intimidated and frightened by teens. I probably would have been as scared of those kids as the dumbass dad was. I’ve learned to speak with scary teens though, and I assert mom-concern and mom-authority pretty well. I don’t need no stinking guns.

As the parent of teens, I’m horrified that the dumbass dad confronted the teens with a gun and tried to stop them from entering the store. In an absolutist 2A world, they should have killed the dad before the dad killed them.

So what’s our status? The kids who have a right to play-guns were killed for it. The dad who has a right to reasonable self-defense is going to be charged with murder. No one feels secure. Having a gun gets you killed or jailed.

I think it’s survival of the fittest here. It really looks like people who engage in gun culture are going to get killed. Unfortunately bystanders will get killed too.

Living in Canada…doesn’t even come into my consciousness at all.
When travelling to the states…yes, yes it does.

Yes, I read the article.

That dumbass dad had a fear. I know what it’s like to have a fear of gun violence. I have been touched by gun violence.** If I saw a kid walking with something that looked like a serious gun, I would feel concern and a need to investigate.** Would I be a Karen? Obviously, approaching the kids and exchanging pleasantries is the best way to investigate without escalating things. But that takes courage and calm.

A long time ago, we talked in LR about the reasonable person standard. The reasonable person standard reflects societal norms. As we experience gun violence and inflammatory and violent rhetoric, it can change our perceptions and change what we think is reasonable. A larger number of our population will feel unsafe and resort to violence out of fear.

I’m not suggesting the dumbass dad was reasonable. I’m saying that we have a gun-culture that deprives us of a sense of security. It is a death-spiral, basically.

They were walking into a sporting goods store. That not only sells airsoft guns. But actual guns. Would it be as scary then? Sure they weren’t in a case, but airsoft guns aren’t usually required to be in a case.

Cabela’s must scare the hell out of people.

So what’s our status? The kids who have a right to play-guns were killed for it. The dad who has a right to reasonable self-defense is going to be charged with murder.

Did you read the article?

Having a right to reasonable self defense is one thing. What he did was another thing entirely, assuming the report is accurate.

Myers, who is not a member of law enforcement, had decided to conduct “overwatch” at the parking lot and “immediately assumed” the three teens were about to commit a violent robbery, the prosecutor wrote. Overwatch is a military term for surveilling a location.

He exited his vehicle and pointed his pistol at the trio, commanding them to stop, drop their guns and get on the ground, the documents state. The teens complied and B.A. put the airsoft gun on the ground, saying it was just a “BB gun,” according to the prosecutor.

The 51-year-old then tackled B.A. and pinned him to the ground, the documents state. H.R. had his hands in the air and was backing away, and Myers then shot at him at least seven times, killing the teen, according to the case summary.

This guy deserves to go away for a long, long time and never see a firearm again.

Yeah, I hope so too. He’s charged with 2nd degree murder and 2nd degree assault. That’s the big time. His bail is set at 2 million, so good chance he won’t be out on bail.

One of the tragic parts of the story is that he was waiting for Jr in his martial arts class. Sorry Johnny, you’re only going to see Daddy on visiting day for a long time.

He never should have engaged those kids. Call 911 and everyone goes home.

Yes, I read the article.

That dumbass dad had a fear. I know what it’s like to have a fear of gun violence. I have been touched by gun violence.** If I saw a kid walking with something that looked like a serious gun, I would feel concern and a need to investigate.** Would I be a Karen? Obviously, approaching the kids and exchanging pleasantries is the best way to investigate without escalating things. But that takes courage and calm.

A long time ago, we talked in LR about the reasonable person standard. The reasonable person standard reflects societal norms. As we experience gun violence and inflammatory and violent rhetoric, it can change our perceptions and change what we think is reasonable. A larger number of our population will feel unsafe and resort to violence out of fear.

I’m not suggesting the dumbass dad was reasonable. I’m saying that we have a gun-culture that deprives us of a sense of security. It is a death-spiral, basically.

They were walking into a sporting goods store. That not only sells airsoft guns. But actual guns. Would it be as scary then? Sure they weren’t in a case, but airsoft guns aren’t usually required to be in a case.

Cabela’s must scare the hell out of people.

I don’t know. Context is everything, right? We assess innumerable details all at once & use our “intuition” to get a feel for situations. If we have a bias against certain people, we might intuit that they are up to no good.

If I’m sitting in my car listening to a podcast about America going to hell or criminals invading our borders or white suburban boys who shoot up schools or Asian gangs or Russian mafia, my perception might be colored. On the other hand, if I have my Miyazaki goggles on, I might be relaxed and calm and ready to see the humanity in a teen.