Barkley Marathon: Where Dreams Go To Die

This Barkley Marathon documentary just went live (for free) on YouTube.

It is a fantastic film following Gary Robbins from the 2016 through the 2017 Barkley.

This is a must watch if you liked the Netflix movie from a couple of years ago…or even if you know very little about this insane race!

Don’t get me wrong. I’m super fascinated by Barkley and very impressed with Gary, what he’s accomplished and how he handled last year’s turn of events. But, I try to avoid Ethan’s work whenever possible.

That’s cool…to each their own.

It’s free…so no loss, except for a few minutes giving it a look

Gary needs to lose that beard, I think the drag from that thing is what’s keeping him from finishing Barkley…

I know nothing about Ethan, other than the he does video stuff and has a live ultra show. What is the reason for a avoiding his stuff … quality? personality? something personal? Just curious … Thanks

I’ve read or watched stuff by Gary Robbins and Dean Karnazes, both interesting people. Running along chowing on burgers and pizza inspires me… (stuck with baked potatos with bacon and cheese myself).

Anyone suggest similar people that have a good book/video I can get in to?

I know nothing about Ethan, other than the he does video stuff and has a live ultra show. What is the reason for a avoiding his stuff … quality? personality? something personal? Just curious … Thanks

Don’t know him at all so it’s nothing personal. Don’t care for his on screen personality or the general style of every video I’ve seen of his. Plus, he’s generally extremely long winded. Something that could have been dealt with in 5-10 mins he’ll drag out to 20-30 mins or more.

Just a thanks for posting this. I was familiar with the Barkley from other threads on here, but I liked the video on its own. Good elliptical workout material!

I watched the video. I really liked it, but there is a training montage between the 1st and second attempt that you could chop out of this film and loose nothing.

This was insane…yup, dreams would definitely die.

Have seen good reviews about this documentary, Wonder if he will attempt next years run

Also Check out this short video from Jamil Coury. He had a cam on course in the horrid weather at this years race

The *actual *documentary is good, “The Race that Eats Its Young”. Wife loved it.

I attended one of the screenings of this back when Gary and Ethan were touring around North America showing it. Fascinating stuff, if you’re into this sort of thing. While the film was great, the best part of the screening was the live Q&A that Gary and Ethan did with the audience. The one thing that I would have liked to see more of was the recovery from something like this - what is that like? Both mentally and physically?

I could see that … know where you are coming from.


You’re crazy. Ethan is producing ultra run videos at Hollywood quality, and his wife is hot! Only Billy Yang comes close.

You’re crazy. Ethan is producing ultra run videos at Hollywood quality,

To each his own. I don’t like his stuff. You apparently do. Good for you.

his wife is hot!
Agree and the only reason I’d consider watching a video of his ever again - preferably when he’s quiet.

Only Billy Yang comes close.
His stuff is significantly more intersting.

You have a prejudice against gingers. Search your soul and repent.

I love Billy Yang’s ultra videos. I’ve watched every one of them

Really enjoyed the doc. Thanks for posting. I knew the Barkley was very difficult, but didn’t know the details. At 59, my days to consider something like this have passed, but it would be fun to stop at if I’m driving past Frozen Head SP on I-75 and do a long run to get a taste of the terrain.