Barkley 2024

#BM100 = trending

It’s about that time of year. I always enjoy reading all the speculating on the twitters about start date/time.

Three finishers last year. That’s gotta be embarrassing for Laz (joking. kinda?).

Does he come up with something creative to raise the difficulty level this year? A new/route? An additional climb? Eliminate the use of poles? Time trial start at 10 min increments?

Who are your favorites this year?

If you gave me on over/under of 1 finishers this year I would take the under because of the 3 last year. Thanks for the heads up this is starting up soon. Do we know who is lining up this year?

If you gave me on over/under of 1 finishers this year I would take the under because of the 3 last year. Thanks for the heads up this is starting up soon. Do we know who is lining up this year?

I didn’t say it’s starting soon. I (paraphrasing myself) said the twitterverse seems to think it is starting soon.

Everyone is free to announce they are making an attempt in advance, if they choose. Most do not. The start list is not revealed, even after the start. As I understand it, if you finish a lap, your name will be revealed. If you start the race, but don’t get at least a lap in, there will be no mention of you at all, unless you want to out yourself.

Im guessing very few if any finishers.

Those who can did last year and will not repeat.
And then there is the weather, if it is bad it is impossible from the get go.

Conch Blown at 4:17am and Cigarette lit at 5:17. It’s underway!

Follow @keithdunn on TwiXter for all your updates

It looks like they might have pretty decent weather at least the first two days - sunny and low 60s as a high. There may be a little rain come in towards the 60 hour cut off.

I think there will be at least one finisher. There’s a couple of former finishers in the race, and Harvey, who won the backyard ultra last summer.

Conch Blown at 4:17am and Cigarette lit at 5:17. It’s underway!

Wow, thank you for letting us know. I’ve been checking Keith Dunn every few days but will check more often now.

For anyone who does not have an X (Twitter) account, you can follow Amelia Boone on Threads as she is relaying Keith Dunn’s tweets about the BM100

Handy spreadsheet that gets updated semi-regularly.

As most can tell, don’t have the full field of starters (yet), but some big, big names on the list.

Feed for the Bluesky folks too (including Keith and others):

Watched Karel Sabbe’s documentary on last year’s race on the trainer this morning. Highly recommend. Didn’t realize it started today.

It looks like they might have pretty decent weather at least the first two days - sunny and low 60s as a high. There may be a little rain come in towards the 60 hour cut off.

I think there will be at least one finisher. There’s a couple of former finishers in the race, and Harvey, who won the backyard ultra last summer.

Yeah damn it is stacked this year! John Kelly is back and several 4+ loopers!

Watched Karel Sabbe’s documentary on last year’s race on the trainer this morning. Highly recommend. Didn’t realize it started today.

Yes, that dropped the other day & I watched it as well

I think this & Gary Robbins’s are the best Barkley films out there

Watched Karel Sabbe’s documentary on last year’s race on the trainer this morning. Highly recommend. Didn’t realize it started today.

Where can one find this documentary?

Here ya go!!!

Watched Karel Sabbe’s documentary on last year’s race on the trainer this morning. Highly recommend. Didn’t realize it started today.

Yes, that dropped the other day & I watched it as well

I think this & Gary Robbins’s are the best Barkley films out there

Is gary robbins ever coming back? That.vid was amazing and yet so brutal!

Gary has said he won’t be coming back to Barkley. Decided it wasn’t worth the time away from his family.

Also, he has the ITMB/Ironman nonsense still buzzing around

“We are hoping there is no intervention from the Tennessee state legislature, as we currently have seven runners in transition. #BM100

Oh jeez

Also, he has the ITMB/Ironman nonsense still buzzing around

“We are hoping there is no intervention from the Tennessee state legislature, as we currently have seven runners in transition. #BM100

Oh jeez

HAHAHAHA. That’s an unfortunately too true joke.